Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Timing Is Everything

An hour ago, the sun was out and it was 40 degrees and most of the snow had melted from a week ago.  And now the wind is blowing with big, white, fluffy flakes falling to the ground.  The yard is almost covered in white.  It feels like a wintery day.

We could almost compare the weather to our lives.  Our morning is going great and by mid-afternoon, circumstances are so totally different.

There are also times when you are out shopping, looking for something and the sale clerk tells you "I just sold the last item that you are looking for about thirty minutes ago".

What about the time that you needed to be somewhere and for some reason you are running late.  You are in the car, you forgot something and you ran into the house to get the item you forgot.  Driving on the road to your appointment, you come across a wreck and you think that could have been me in that accident.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon talks about how important timing is.  As we know, God has a plan for our life.  We go through various circumstances and we wonder where was God?  This should not stop us in believing in Him, but for us to see that without God, there is no real solution.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 - "To everything there is a reason.  A time for every purpose under heaven".

What about the phrase "time flies"?  How many times have you said "time flies"?   When I go on a fun trip, the week flies by.  Studies have shown that when you are having "goal-motivated fun", that you are so in the moment that time really does get away from you.

If timing is everything and time flies, how are you using your time?  Are you using your time to make a difference to yourself, to your family or to your friends?

My philosophy is "if we aren't doing anything, nothing is going to happen".  How we manage our time is as important as managing ourselves and taking care of our finances.

There are days that we need to be still and just listen to God.  God doesn't yell at us, but He does whisper.  Are you really listening?  Take some time(just minutes) and relax and close your eyes.  You will be surprised what you can hear.  Remember you are the vessel and God is the potter.  God's timing is perfect!

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Time is suppose to go by at a sat speed but often doesn't always feel like it.