Thursday, December 30, 2021

Good Bye to 2021!

Is it already the end of 2021!  It just seem like yesterday that 2021 was beginning.

How was 2021 for you?  Like all years, it was a rollercoaster year for me.  There were happy times and there were sad times.  It is through the journey that I learn how to enjoy each day.

Overall, 2021 was a year of growth.  A year of learning new things.  This was the year I attended a writers conference and my heart was pricked in writing a book.  A story that needed to be told.  It is a fiction, but based on true facts.  Some dear friends left their country and family to find freedom and to discover a country which would allow them to dream "big"!  For the past twenty-five years, they have dreamed and achieved their dreams.  There story is remarkable.  They lost a lot to gain what they were looking for.

What are your dreams for 2021?  

I jut read dreaming and setting goals does more for an individual than anything else.  The more that you focus, the more powerful you are.  Your goals can make a difference in your walk of life.  It is so much easier to think "What does it matter?", "No one believes in me anyway."  "I am not trained in that particular area or I don't know anything about it." or "I can't do it!".

I am a Christian and my dreams stretch my faith.  The goals help me to trust in a God who says "I am with you!"  Just like an athlete, who trains to be the best they can possibly be.  If you aren't trying to reach a goal, "What motivates you?"  "What keeps you going?"

Philippians 3:12-14 says "do not let anything take your eyes off of your goal..., which is knowing Jesus Christ."  As a Christian our spiritual life is to grow closer and understanding Jesus.

As I grow closer to Jesus, the Lord brings dreams to mind.  He wants me to do my best and to show others that the only way to achieve my goals and dreams are through Him.

Do I get exactly what I dream for?  Sometimes, I don't.  But through the process, I learn more about me and what I need to do to become a better person.

Because of my dreams, I have energy to discover new possibilites and to enjoy the people around me.

Remember "Every ending has a new beginning!"

So as 2021 ends, there is a new beginning in 2022!

Dream big and see what God can do in your life!

Happy New Year!


CWMartin said...

My goals in Christ are like yours... the year, I play it by ear. Hope yours is fabulous!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I take life one day at a time going with the flow