Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Is Life Fair?

There are days when I feel life isn't fair.  Especially when I have been disappointed, I have loss a loved one and when I am doubting life overall.

We have all been there.  Right now I am in a good place.  It is so much easier to look at my surroundings when I don't feel the doom and gloom.  My emotional energy feels balanced.

I am searching for those words that I will need when everything is turned upside down.  When one is in that place, you can not see the future due to your surroundings.  It is your time to question, to doubt and to wonder "why"?

How can one rejoice when you have lost a loved one, you were let go from your job, you just lost your home or where will you get the money to pay a bill?

As a Christian, I know there is HOPE.  You ask, hope for what?  Will HOPE bring back someone I loved; bring back the home that I lost in a fire, etc.

H = He

O = Offers

P = Promises

E = Everyday

As a believer, the HOPE is Jesus Christ.  He suffered for us and died on the cross for all of all of our sufferings and failures so we could have eternal life.  That is what keeps me going when I feel lost.

As I suffer, I reflect on the scripture from Job 36:15 - "But God teaches men through suffering and uses distress to open their eyes."  What will my eyes be opened to?  Will I look at surroundings differently?  Will I understand?  Hopefully, I will see Jesus and what He wants me to learn or what He wants me to share with others.

"Why me?" - II Corinthians 1:3-4, "Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, the God from whom all help comes.  He helps us in in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God."  The more we suffer, the more Christ wants to comfort us.  Allow Him to be a part of your challenging times.  Comfort means He will give you strength to walk through the valley.  He will lead you through the dark time.  There will be friends and family who will encourage.  Just keep your eyes on Him!

How do I offer HOPE to someone who is dieing?

Death is hard to understand.  How do you offer hope?  Be there for them.  Walk beside them.  It is showing them you love them.   No one knows what the day will bring them.  Tomorrow is not promised to any one.  As a Christian, eternity life is promised to everyone.  Offer calmness and confidence instead of fear and uncertainity.  Love them!

I seem to have expectactions on how life should go instead of seeing life the way it is.  Life is tough and it can be cruel.  But there can be happiness and joy.   Take one day at a time and enjoy the moment with loved ones.  Treasure each day.  Life is a gift that one can not take for granted.  

How will I look at my circumstances?  Is God trying to set me up for failure and unhappiness or does He have a plan?  He is the one in control.  There is HOPE!  Keep your eyes on Him!