Sunday, September 29, 2019

Proverbs 18 = Be Careful What You Say

Today is a beautiful Indian summer in Colorado.  This morning it was cool, cloudy and high humidity.  It is now early afternoon and the clouds have separated and now all you see is blue sky and sun.  There is a gentle breeze from the south with the temperature rising.

As I look out of the window, I see the changing colors of the leaves. The red and golden yellow leaves are gently dancing in the distance.

I have been reading Proverbs everyday now for almost three months.  Some chapters I have read over and over and over.  There is so much truth written that it is hard to put on paper exactly what those truths are.

Proverbs 18 has used the words mouth and lips several times throughout this chapter.  As I read it again, I hear God saying "be careful what you say."  As I have mentioned several times, God has given us two ears and 1 mouth.  Are we listening or are we talking and not hearing what others have to say?

Proverbs 18:4 says "The words of a man's mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook."  Our mouth is deep, but what are we vocalizing.  Are we speaking words of "truth" or we speaking words of  "untruth"?  Our mouths can be so destructive.  I choose a mouth that speaks words of encouragement, honesty, empathy and so much more.

Proverbs 18:6 says "A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating."  I am in the cosmetic business, so I love different color lipsticks.  I feel like the perfect lipstick can brighten your day.  On my mirror are these words "for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness".  How true!  Your lips can either brighten your day or sadden your day.  May your mouth speak words of joy!

Proverbs 18:7 says it all, "A fool's mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul."  What your mouth and lips say can enrich your day.  What is your soul?  Are you a person of integrity, someone of morals?  Your soul will be expressed through your mouth and out of your lips.

Proverbs 18:21, "The tongue has the power of life and death...."  As I tell people, "are you going to breathe life and encouragement among others or are you going to be the one who destroys them".  I choose, breathing life. 

Proverbs 18 has so much more to say.  Take the time to read it and see what God is trying to tell you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Proverbs 17 = Purify Your Heart

I have read Proverbs 17 about six times trying to decide what to say that I haven't said in the last sixteen chapters.  Each chapter continues to say the same thing but in a different way.  I know that we all look at life differently and sometimes it takes a different approach for us to understand.

As I have said Proverbs is all about "wisdom" and how we can go about in gaining wisdom through our daily walk.  It is amazing that we can read a verse several times before we understand what it is saying to you. 

These are verses that stood out to me. 

"The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart."  Proverbs 17:3  As we know, it takes intense heat to purify gold and silver.  That is so true about our own lives.  It is normally the tough times that help us to grow closer to God and to understand how important our faith is.

"Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out."  Proverbs 17:14  How often do you have to have the last word?  Or you are always right about everything?  It is amazing to see how quarrels start.  Normally a quarrel starts because of something so minute.  Next time you begin to quarrel with someone, stop and think about what you are really quarreling about.  Your gentle words could make all the difference .

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."  Proverbs 17:17  Who are you truly friends with.  Are you there for them during the rough times as well as the good times?  A friend is willing to listen to you, to encourage you, to cry with you and to laugh with you.  Make a list of your true friends and look at each name and see if you really are a friend to them.  Are you there for them when they really need you?

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."  Proverbs 17:22  This verse says it all.  What is your attitude?  A smile, a hug and a listening ear could change someone else's outlook in life.

The last verse in chapter 17 says "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."  Sometimes being quiet in a group of friends helps you to really listen to what is being said.  You can learn a lot from people by listening and watching them.  By being quiet you can have the right words to speak to someone.  People do listen to people who don't talk all the time. 

One of E.F. Hutton's quotes was "speak in such a way that others love to listen to you.  Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you."

Another chapter in Proverbs with lots of words of wisdom.  Take time to read each chapter and "be still as God speaks to you."

Monday, September 9, 2019

Proverbs 16 = Success

My brain is fried and my eyes can not focus any more.  As I am reading, listening to lectures and taking quizzes, I keep thinking what am I doing.  Why am I subjecting myself to this?  I am "65" and will be "66" in three months.  People keep telling me that I am at the age to retire and "enjoy life".

I have always enjoyed life.  I do try to take advantage of all my opportunities.  When I was working in the corporate world, I traveled and was always interacting with people.  I have never used the word "retire".  When I think of some retired people, I think of people who have given up and are just sitting around, waiting to die.  I know that there are others that are just as busy as when they were working.

I know since I left New York, I have been trying to find my place.  I was able to do contract assignments with the company that I worked with and that was enjoyable.  I got to travel and to train others on a product that I was familiar with and that I loved.  Now the company is going in a different direction in training, so I am not being utilized.  So what do I do now?

As I have reread Proverbs 16 for about three days in a row, I keep going back to the same verse.
Proverb 16:3, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed."  I know that God is not finished with me and He still wants to use me.  So what are my new plans?

I am now taking courses to get my Real Estate License.  It has been very challenging, but I do feel my brain being exercised.  Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  The course is laid out  with the reading, studying and listening to lectures.  The Lord sees that I am taking the steps to fulfill this task.  I am not waiting around for God to hand over the license.  Along each step, I am asking Him to bless me.  To give me confidence and to be able to comprehend what I read. 

Even Proverbs 16:16 says "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!"  This verse is stated several times throughout Proverbs.  God wants to give me wisdom.  How do I obtain wisdom?  It is by asking Him and then He directs me through books, reading the Bible, stretching my brain, etc.

Proverbs 16:23, "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction."  God is with me as I speak.

Even Proverbs 16:31 says "Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life."  Even though I am older and I do have some gray hairs underneath the color, God wants me to have a fulfill life.  A life that is still honoring to Him.  It is with the gray hair and the wisdom that I am able to be a good listener and encourager. 

The other day I saw the most spectacular double rainbow that arched from one end to the next.  As I looked at that rainbow, I remembered the promise that God told Noah.  Genesis 9:13, "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."  The rainbow is visible when it rains as a sign to all that God will keep his promises.

God has promised so much in the Bible.  He promises me that if I commit whatever I do, He will be with me.  Those are the words that will get me through the next two months.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Proverbs 15 = What are we choosing?

As I sit here at my desk, I am thankful for the beautiful view that I have.  The yellow flowers gently swaying, the little white butterflies dancing from one flower to the next and the swallows gliding through sky.  

I have been studying for my real estate license and I decided I needed a break.  

Looking out into nature, I am thinking about what I read this morning in Proverbs.  One can get so overwhelmed with everyday life.  Everyone is so busy and we all have so many tasks.  Do you ever take time and just be still and take in what God has provided for each one of us?  Do we look at our lives and see that we have all been given choices?  Am I going to be angry or are am I going to be joyful?  How do I speak?  Do I speak with a gentle voice or is it a voice of anger?  

What do I feed my mind?  What type of music do I listen to?  What are the books that I read?  What do I read about on the internet?  Life is simple.  We are the ones who make it so hard.  There are a lot of angry people out there and they are showing their own frustrations by yelling at others or even killing others.  

Proverbs 15:1 says "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  Are you arguing with a whisper or are you shouting at the top of your lungs?  What are the words that you use?  The next time that you are angry with someone, try talking to them as you whisper.  If anything, they are going to have to get close to you and listen.  Seek peace and gentle words.  

Proverbs 15:14 says "The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly."  What you feed your mind is what effects your health and well-being.  If you read about evil, you will seek evil.  I can remember when I was about 14 and one of my friends had an attitude.  Well, I soon began to have an attitude at home.  My mother quickly told me that I needed to straighten up or I would no longer be able to hang out with my friend.  To this day, that has left an impression on me.  We do become, who we hang out with.  This is why I read books about wisdom and encouraging others.  

Proverbs 15:15 says "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast."  What is your attitude?  No one can choose the different circumstances that happen in our lives, but we can handle how we handle them.  If you are let go from a job, is it the bosses fault?  Normally it is because the company is downsizing or the economy, but it isn't your bosses fault.  How do you handle the situation?  I was let go from a job about 35 years ago.  I was single and I had no job.  I was hurt and angry.  I knew that my negative attitude could destroy me.  I began to look at my attitude, examine what I thought and what I dwelled on. I had to make some changes.  I made a plan of what I needed to do to find a job.  It took time, but I did find something.  It was the beginning of a beautiful career.

There are so many more wise verses in this chapter.  Changes in our lives begin with ourselves.  What choices will you make?

Monday, September 2, 2019

Proverbs 14 = Discerning

Reading Proverbs 14, I realize how much wisdom there is in reading Proverbs.  You should probably take one verse a day and really think about it.  There is so much thought placed in each verse.

These are some of the verses in this chapter that spoke to me.

Proverbs 14:1, "Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness."  So many woman today feel as if they have no power, that they have no say of anything.  But the truth is, they have a lot to say by their actions and how they encourage their own family and friends.  As I continue to read this chapter, there is so much that is said regarding our attitudes and our temperament.  They can either destroy some one or lift them up.

Proverbs 14:6, "The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning."  We all know those individuals, who love to complain about everything.  Nothing is ever right.  They wander why their lives are always the pits.  What is their attitude?  Are they seeking wisdom?  To have wisdom, you must seek it.

Proverbs 14:29, "If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are."  Who hasn't had a hot temper?  The truth is "we have all lost our temper".  The time that I lost my temper, I felt embarrassed.  I had to figure out what the root of the whole situation really was.  By having a temperament, we begin to push people away.  People do not want to be around ones who have anger issues because you never know when they are going to explode.  Anger is a sin because it does tear you away from your walk with Jesus. 

Proverbs 14:33, "Wisdom is in every thought of an intelligent man; fools know nothing about wisdom."  When I am seeking wisdom, I feel a calmness that comes over me.  God's peace is with me and it guides me to know the direction that He wants me to go.  A fool doesn't have peace.  They just continue to make the same mistakes over and over and over.

Every time that I read this chapter, a different verse speaks to me.  That is why I need to continue reading Proverbs.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Skagway, Alaska

As we entered Skagway, one could imagine it was 1897 and the town was bustling because gold had been discovered. During the late 1800's, there were almost 10,000 people in this area with about 80 bars. Today, it is a town of 950 people and now comes alive when the cruise lines are at dock. Skagway is known for its scenery, pioneer spirit and vintage railroad. The town has done quite well in keeping its history.

As we went ashore, the beauty of the mountains surrounding the ship was breathtaking.  The sun was peaking through the clouds and there wasn't a breath of wind.  As we talked with the tour guides, we found out that this was very unusual, as it is normally windy and raining.  I was happy to hear this, as the ship was not able to dock in Juneau the day before due to strong winds.

We loaded into a bus with thirty other passengers and headed into Canada to experience the Yukon.  The scenery as we drove on the South Klondike Highway was majestic.  The Klondike Highway parallels the route used by the prospectors in the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush.  Gold was discovered in this region on August 16, 1896.  Between 1896 and 1899, a stampede of approximately 100,000 prospectors rushed to this area.  Only a few became wealthy and others lost everything.

Driving toward the Canadian border, the terrain transformed from the rainforest in Skagway to the towering mountains and beautiful emerald lakes of all sizes.  It seemed as if at every turn on the highway, the views were just as beautiful as the previous ones.  After a couple of hours, we reached the White Pass Summit at 3,290 feet above sea level.

We made several stops.  Everyone enjoyed taking photos at the signs of "Welcome to Alaska" and "Yukon, Larger than Life".  What a great way to capture the moment.

The Caribou Crossing Depot was our destination for a chicken barbecue lunch.  Upon arriving, the depot was swarming with people and buses.  After lunch, we walked around and enjoyed the Wildlife Gallery, the Canadian Bounty Museum, the petting zoo and then there was the dog musher's village.  We got to meet the puppies that were potential candidates for the Iditarod.

As we left the depot, we drove to Carcross, in Canada.  This little town has a population of 400 people.  They rely on tourism to support the local economy.  They created a town that caters tourists.  There are coffee shops, art galleries, a hotel, restaurants and musicians singing.  My favorite place was the information booth where the volunteers stamped your passport with the Canadian stamp.  Gone are the days that your passport gets stamped anymore. As its now scanned.

Returning to Skagway, we walked through the town in admiration of the way that the buildings have been preserved from the period of the Klondike Gold Rush.  The majority of these buildings are only open during the tourist season(May through September).  You can also ride the vintage locomotive, White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad, up the Chilkoot trail.  The views to the Canadian Border as you travel up the tracks are amazing.

Arriving at the ship, the sun was beginning to set.  I walked up to the 16th floor of the ship to capture the beautiful backdrop of the clouds, Skagway and the mountains.

Skagway Pier
