Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Dylan & The Hawk

About four months ago, I received a call from my great-nephew, Dylan.  He needed the cell number of my friend, Viki.  One would say she is the female version of Dr. Dolittle. She has a gentle soul who assists people in finding homes for stray cats and dogs, relocate turtles who are crossing busy streets and finds medical assistance for feathered friends who are injured. 

Dylan was about to move the car into the garage, when he noticed a flicker a few feet ahead. Approaching the area, a hawk was standing on the pavement and not moving. In a daze, the hawk glared at Dylan and with his eyes he let Dylan know he needed help.  With a gentle voice and softly approaching the hawk, Dylan spoke.  Speaking words of life and that he would take care of him.

It amazed me the hawk allowed Dylan to pick him up and then place him in a carboard box. It was as if, the hawk understood Dylan was a caring, and sensitive individual.  Animals are in tuned with caring people.

There was not a peek from the hawk, as Dylan drove the fifteen minutes to Viki's home.  Viki was waiting for Mr. Hawk with a cage, water and food.  A call had already been placed to a licensed rehabilitator.

Dylan was sad to leave the hawk, but he knew he would be taken care of.  After an examination, it was discovered the hawk's wing had been injured. After several months with the wildlife rehabilitator, Mr. Hawk was released into the wild. 

Mr. Hawk was identified as a Missiissippi Kite. Their lifespan is eleven years. With Dylan rescuing the hawk, its life has been extended.

There is so much meaning to Dylan's encounter with the hawk. A hawk is a sign of balance, strength and hope. Biblically, the hawk is a symbol of divine guidance and that God is watching over you.

Dylan grew up with his great-grandparents. He is now twenty-one. They rescued each other. Dylan was not living in a safe environment at the age of four and his great-grandparents, my parents' forty-seven year old son had recently passed away. 

Dylan's caring heart comes from living with my parents for all these years. My dad passed away four years ago. During these past years, Dylan has been the designated driver and care receiver for my mother. I do believe that hawk was in tuned with Dylan's soul. and how he cares for others.

The hawk is a good reminder for Dylan to allow life to flow naturally and that he has the strength to face the challenges that come his way. Just like the hawk, Dylan needs to have hope and to not give up. God is always there, even when we don't think He is. Then there is insight. The Lord will give Dylan the discernment as he needs it. As the hawk is intuitive, Dylan is as well. The hawk was aware of Dylan's spirit and how he is a kind, thoughtful and cares for others. There are so many similarities between the hawk and Dylan.

God speaks in many ways to us. As you enjoy nature and wildlife take time to stop and to listen as God whispers. There is a lesson to be learn.




Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Lost Pearl

This past week I learned a valuable lesson about God's love for me.

Bundle up with several layers of clothes and a stocking cap and a hoodie over my head, I took off on my three mile walk.  Even with the twenty degree temperature and several inches of snow and ice on the road, I would tackle the day with whatever was thrown at me.

Before stepping out of the house, I always make sure I have on lipstick and earrings. This morning, I picked the pair of a single pearl with a fourteen gold four prong mounting. These earrings were a gift from my parents about five years ago. 

On my walk, I called a good friend to help me forget the chill in the air. 

With every step, I was careful not to slip on the ice or land in the snow.

Arriving home, I began to peel away the layers of clothing. Looking into the mirror, I noticed my earring was missing from my right ear. In a panic, I began to check my clothing and the stocking cap. No earring!

Losing something, it is amazing how the adrenaline kicks in. After retracing my steps in the house, I knew I needed to backtrack through the snow and ice.

Throwing on my clothes once again, I stepped out into the frigid air. This time I was on a mission. Praying and asking God to direct my path and to help me find my lost earring.

To someone else, the lost of the earring wouldn't matter, but to me it did. Throughout my walk in life, I have learned God cares for me.  He tells me to come before Him with all my concerns.  1 Peter 5:7, says, "Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." He knew all of this would happen before I did. 

God isn't a genie. He wants me to come before him and to allow him to work in my life. What lesson or lessons do I need to be learning? 

I told a few friends about the lost pearl. They were praying, I would find it. Whether or not, I would find it, I had comfort in knowing my life is in His hands and I have friends who care.

I told my husband, trying to find the pearl was like looking for a needle in a haystack or a white pearl in the snow. It is impossible! Luke 18:27, says "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

As I slushed through the ice and snow for three miles, I did not find the pearl earring. I put the lonely pearl earring in a glass case on my vanity. As I looked at it for several days, I knew God was aware of the location of the lost pearl.

For several days, I walked the same path. The days were getting warmer and the wind was blowing. Snow was melting and the water was flowing from the street to the storm drains throughout the neighborhood. Would I ever see the earring again?

On Sunday after attending church, my husband and I decided to take a walk before lunch. As we walked, we talked about the sermon. The preacher spoke about how God owns everythng and we are stewards with what we are given.

The day was beautiful with warm temperature and hardly any snow left on the streets. As we walked past a home, my eye caught a glimmer of gold sparkling off the curb, next to the street. As I got closer, I knew it was my earring. I couldn't believe it. Picking up the pearl, I wiped away the moisture. It was on the same path as the driveway. It wasn't broken. It was perfect.

"Oh ye of little faith."  God reminded me once again, He does hear my prayers and my concerns!