Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Today was a day of costumes and masks! 

The song from "Phantom of the Opera" played through my mind all day long.

Paper faces on parade. . . .
Hide your face,
so the world will never find you!

Every face a different shade. . . .
Look around--
there's another mask behind you!. . . ."

I just finished a book and the main character talked about how we all have our own masks.  A friend had died with lots of secrets and her friend was talking to someone else and stated that "the closing years of life are like the end of a a masquerade party, when the masks are dropped."

Those words have played in mind, over and over.  What mask am I wearing?  Is there something that I need to confront from my past and to let it go?

People are wearing invisible masks and being someone else.  What are we trying to hide?

As I continue on my journey and discovering myself, may I see my life as it is and not try to hide behind a mask!  Once I drop the mask, I may realize the unique the person that I am.

1 comment:

Rick Watson said...

Good questions. I like to think I am who I am, like Popeye, but I'm not always myself in every situation. It depends on who I'm with and whether they would get my twisted sense of humor :)