Thursday, September 9, 2021

Celebrate Life!

Today, I am celebrating life.  I am learning not to dwell on the past or being anxious or worrying about the future.  If anything I have learned in life is to enjoy each day and the moment.

One can take life and people for granted.  Don't miss the opportunity to be with family and/or friends.  How often have you wished you would have taken the time to go visit someone?  We have all been in that place.

Sometimes we make life too complicated.  We think that we don't have time or maybe that person doesn't really want to see you, etc.  The question is was your heart picked?  Did you have that thought that I should go see that person?  I want to encourage you to "just do it"!  You can analyze everything later.  You may just be what that person might have needed in their life at that moment.  They are probably exactly what you need.  You will never know.

Just remember "life is too short" and every moment is precious.

Today is the day to celebrate the life that God has given you!

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

My life is a celebration of living