Thursday, September 2, 2021

Don't Worry Be Happy

Today the song "Don't Worry Be Happy" popped into my mind.  I haven't heard this song in years.  The song did bring a smile to my face.  Of course, I had to google it and listen.  This song was released in 1988.  That was thirty-three years ago.  A lot was happening back then.  I was living in Austin, Texas and had been married for two years.  Life was going well and the only worries I had were taking courses at the University of Texas.

The lyrics are "Don't worry, be happy.  In every life we have some trouble.  But when you worry you make it double.  Don't worry, be happy...."

Now that I have this tune in my mind, it will help me keep everything in perspective of what is going on in the world.

Who doesn't worry?  I realize some worry a lot more than others.  When I begin to worry, I think what can I do to change the situation.  

I have a friend who tells me "When you begin to worry, pray.  When you are praying, you don't worry".  That does make sense.

If you are worrier, what can you do?  Begin to smile.  There is something about smiling.  Your whole body changes.  The weight is lifted, your breathing changes and you have a twinkle to the eye.

Exercising is also something you can do.  Exercise strengthens your heart and your increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body.  

Being grateful keeps your mind off of your problems.  What is something that you are thankful for? 

And just like my friend, praying is the main ingredient.  God tells us to give him all our troubles and burdens.  Matthew 11:28 says "Come to Jesus, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."  How would you like to feel loved, healed and peace with God?

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22  When you have something at task that you don't want to do and you are worried about it, remember encouragement, enthusiasm and a positive outlook will make all the difference.

This photo represents letting go and letting God handle our troubles.  Take a minute to walk outside and enjoy the surroundings.  Remember that the God who created nature is also the same God that will carry you through the troubling times.  Start whistling "Don't worry, be happy".

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I really don't like that song.................