This morning I began my morning by watching the sunrise and then walking down the beach to see what sea shells came to shore during the night. The beach is another "quiet place". As I walked through the water and felt the sand in between my toes, I prayed for my family and friends and prayed for peace and strength for the day.
Back at the beach house, the family got ready to head to the beach to conquer the waves. As my great-nephew and myself were riding the waves, he told me that he loved the beach because you could experience all your senses.
You can touch the sand; hear the waves; taste the salt from the water; see the pelicans, sandpipers & seagulls; smell the surroundings; and feeling the wind and water against your body. Out of the mouth of babes.
I thought that is so true. We sometimes forget to enjoy the senses that God has given us. The beach is a great place to get back in touch with life & to get in tuned with your surroundings.
At the beach house, there is no WIFI and limited cell phone usage. Yikes! It is time to unplug and to get back to experiencing our senses and to enjoy being a kid. So I am enjoying building sand castles, riding the waves, getting some Vitamin-D on my body and just allowing myself to let go and enjoying what God has created.
I challenge you to unplug and to get in tuned with your senses!
Connectivity is over rated :) Sounds like a lovely time Denise.
No Wifi is nice for short periods of time when one can go someplace to get online, I think we rely on the internet so much now days
Hi Denise,
I'm happy to be part of your blog! You are a perfect blogger as you have so many good things to say and so many good things to make us think about. Love you and all Dad's side of the family!
Hi Denise,
I'm happy to be part of your blog! You are a perfect blogger as you have so many good things to say and so many good things to make us think about. Love you and all Dad's side of the family!
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