Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lucky Penny

Coming out of the grocery store this afternoon, as I was carrying my grocery bags to the car, I saw a penny in the parking lot.  Just like a kid, I had to pick up that penny.  As I picked it up, I said "lucky penny".

The saying is "find a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck".  Finding pennies is considered good luck because years ago people thought that finding metal was a gift from the gods and meant to protect you from evil.

Even as an adult, I still reflect on the rhymes that I learned as a child.  For a moment, I had no worries, but to pick up that penny.

The rest of my day has gone well.

The next time you see a penny, don't pass it by.  Stop and pick it up and know that your day will go well.


Anonymous said...

"Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck.
Find a penny, let it lay & you'll have bad luck all the day."

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

We don't have pennies but we use to and that saying about finding a penny was said here too, when I see a coin on the ground I have to pick it up and usually say "lucky me"

steppingoutshiningthrough said...

"A penny for your thought."