Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Super Moon

As I opened the door into the darkness, I could feel the cool temperature and see the beautiful, bright, beaming moon.  It was as if, I could reach up and touch it from my front porch.

I was out for my nightly walk.  I wanted to see the Christmas decorations at the houses in my neighborhood, as well as enjoy the Super Moon.  This huge, glowing full moon is rare.  Since the moon is close to the earth, it appears brighter and larger than usual.

The sparkling lights from each of the houses and the shining moon put a smile on my face.  There is something about being in nature.  It gives me a calmness and peace that I sometimes cannot find.

It seems as if we are always looking for happiness and joy and we are trying to find ways to create it.  The truth is, that it is right there in front of us.

Some verses regarding the moon:

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?  You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."  Psalm 8:3-5  This verse tells me that when I am not feeling worthy as a person, I have to remember that God considers me highly valuable.  I have great worth because I bear the stamp of the great Creator.  Because God has already stated how valuable I am, I can be set free of feeling worthlessness.

"Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all you shining stars."  Psalm 148:3
Creation is a great symphony and all the parts play together.  I am a part of that symphony.  As I listened to the coyotes in the background and look at the full white moon, I realize that I am a part of God's creation and that I need to "Praise Him for myself and the glorious surroundings."

If you weren't able to enjoy the Super Moon this past week, the Super Moon will also appear on January 1st and January 31st.  Mark it on your calendar, so that you can immerse yourself in the brightness of the moon and "Praise God" for all that He has created.

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