Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Flying In Sync!

This morning as I walked, I observed the geese flying in my direction.  I could hear their honking in the distance.  With the sound of the geese, I know that fall is here.

There is so much that we can learn from nature.  Geese are one of those creatures that we can learn a lot from.

Have you ever wondered why geese fly in the "V" formation?  We have learned from science "why" they fly that way.  When each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following.  By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range, than if each bird flew on its own.  What formation is your team that you work with or even have fun with?

From this, we learn that people who share a common direction and commitment can get where they are quicker and easier by traveling on the thrust of one another.  It is easier to get somewhere or find out about something by becoming part of a team.

When the lead goose gets tired, he or she rotates back in the wing and another goose takes over and flies point.  Like the geese, are you observing your teammates?  You should be observant, willing and ready to step in and help other team members, whenever they begin to lose their energy or momentum.  Have you helped someone out this week?

Also, as we listen to the honking of the geese, we begin to realize that the ones behind are encouraging those up front.  The people that you work with, are you encouraging them instead of discouraging them?  

Just remember that "A Team That Flies In Sync......SOARS"!

Take time to be still and listen and observe your surroundings.  You may learn something!

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