Monday, July 4, 2022

Independence Day!

 What does the 4th of July mean to you?

To me the 4th of July is a day of thanks!  A day of reflecting on what America has gone through to be the country that it is.  English speaking settlers arrived in North America during the early 17th century, followed by further migrations in the 18th and 19th centuries.

After a few years, the colonists fought the British because they wanted to be free from Britian and they were tired of the unfair taxes.  They just wanted to have their own government.  

As I research my ancestories, I have discovered that on my mother's side, her great-great materinal grandfather was a Revolutionary Patriot.  A patriot was a colonist who rebelled against the British during the American Revolution.  They rejected the ideas of a monarchy and aristocracy and they favored liberty and individual rights.

When I pledge the allegiance or sing "The Star-Spangled Banner", I always have tears in my eyes.  Where I am today didn't come easy.  Other people have fought for the freedom I have.

As I enjoy today, I will say "thank-you" for the soldiers who have risked their lives so I can enjoy a day of being with friends and family, eat hamburgers and hotdogs and ice cream and enjoy the spectacular firework shows in the evening.

God Bless America!

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

May God bless all Americans as the country needs to blessed with all the mass shootings and idiots taking away a woman's right to say what happens with their body