Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spring Has Sprung

Frank Sinatra sang "You make me feel so young, you make me feel like spring has sprung....."

Today that is how I feel as I walk in the neighborhood and feel the warmth of the sun, the warmer temperatures and see the blue sky.  The neighbors are walking and riding their bikes. Children are playing outside.  Spring has sprung!

Officially, the Northern Hemisphere marks Monday, March 20th, as the first day of spring.  I also read that before spring was called spring, it was called "Lent" in Old English.  In the 14th century, this time of year was called "springing time" to refer to plants that were "springing" from the ground. It was then shortened to "spring".

I love seeing the trees budding and the flowers popping up from the warmer ground and the increase of daylight.  In the early morning hours, the birds are singing their songs.

"See!  The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.  Flowers appear on the earth; the season singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."  Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Enjoy this new season!  New beginnings are happening around you!


Susan Kane said...

This week I heard frog singing! Living in city neighborhood we never heard frogs. Now we have moved, birds are singing as are the frogs!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Nothing like spring here wet and sticky it is

steppingoutshiningthrough said...

The sound of frogs is so relaxing!