Friday, July 31, 2020

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

I love the sound of rain.  To me there is something comforting about the clouds and hearing the rain fall to the earth from the sky.  Studies show that rain is like a lullaby that can help people to relax and to even fall asleep.  The pitter-patter on the roof or as it hits the windows gives you a sense of calmness.  

As the rain ended and I stepped outside to feel the cooler temperature, I looked to the east and I was in awe as I saw a complete rainbow.  The colors of red, orange, yellow, green and blue were striking.  I wondered if the pot of gold was waiting for me at the end of the rainbow.

With a smile on my face, humming "Somewhere over the rainbow", I enjoyed a leisurely walk around the neighbor.  

The rain and the spectacular rainbow renewed my spirit.  God's promises to Noah after the flood reminds me all that God does for me on a daily basis.  God promised Noah that never again would a flood do such destruction; that seasons will come as expected and a rainbow will be visible when it rains as a sign that God keeps His promises.

There are so many promises written in the Bible.  Begin to find them and see God's faithfulness to each of us.  The pot of gold is what God gives us if only we will ask.

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Over the rainbow is a pot of gold, oh hang on that's at the end of the rainbow my bad........

Seriously another great post