Sunday, August 13, 2017

His Divine Plan

In my search of discovering His will for my life, I am reading the book Every Life Is A Plan Of God by J. Oswald Sanders.  He has a lot of good insight.

In today's reading, these words made an impression on me:

"Each of us is unique because we are made in the image of God.  'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.'  Genesis 1:27.

If there is a divine plan for our lives, and I believe there is, we should not expect it to be like an architect's blueprint.  Or like a travel agent's itinerary, all complete with dates, places, and times.  We are not automatons controlled by a heavenly computer!  Divine guidance concerns people who have been endowed with the awesome power of free choice.  Every day we have to make decisions and choices, some of which will affect our whole future.  The fact that we have been created in the divine image adds an eternal dimension to these decisions.

The circumstances surrounding our lives are not accidental, but are devised by an all-wise and loving Father, who knows how best we can glorify Him and yet at the same time achieve our own highest good.  When this becomes a conviction, believed and accepted, then every part of life becomes significant, and life itself becomes one large voyage of discovery of God and our own true selves."

My life is not by accident.  The these things that I am going through are not by accident.  Even though at times I want everything laid out, that is not going to be the case.  Once I allow God to be in control, I can have the peace that I am looking for.

I just need to "Let Go and Let God"!

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