Monday, August 12, 2019

Proverbs 10 = Finishing Strong

The next 14 chapters(Proverbs 10 - Proverbs 24) are written by other individuals, but were collected by Solomon.  These chapters will give each person practical wisdom so that they can enjoy each stage of their life.

As I read Proverbs 10, I am reflecting on my own life and my own walk.  How do others see me?  Will I finish my life strong?   Will I keep my faith?  Will I have encouraged others to make the best choice in their own life?

Within the past week, I have talked with several friends who have lost loved ones.  One friend, her mother was in her 90s and has been in poor health for a while; another good friend lost a cousin, who was 65, to cancer and one of my cousin's forty-seven year old son died due to heart issues.  Each person was at a different stage in life, but they each have left a mark on this earth.

Proverbs 10:2, "Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death."  Some people do bring unhappiness on themselves.  How sad to think that you are alive, but dead due to your own unhappiness.

The rest of Proverbs 10 contrasts the righteous person with the wicked.  How are we using the life that has been given to us?  Are we wasting it away and letting life slip away?  Each day is a gift from God and we need to seize the opportunities to live life for Him.

Proverbs 10:20, "The tongue of the righteous is a choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value."  As we all know, our tongue can be our worst enemy?  How do we speak to others?  Are we being honest?  Are we speaking the truth?  Are you listening to others, as they speak words of wisdom to you?  "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom..."  Proverbs 10:31.

With wisdom and insight, one does not dread death because we know that there is eternal life.  But the wicked person dreads death because he/she does not believe in an eternal life.  Due to their uncertainty to life, there is no hope. 

As we read through Proverbs, we are given a choice.  You can live in fear and reject God or you can accept God and follow him.  The choice is yours!

My life has eternity written all over it.  With the wisdom that God has given me, I will "finish strong"!

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