Thursday, August 15, 2019

Proverbs 13 = Guarding Your Lips

As I begin reading Proverbs 13, I realize that as I read these verses, I have read them in the chapters before.  These verses are just expressed in a different way.  What is God trying to tell me?

I have read in several chapters about my lips, my tongue and words that I say to others.  A wise person controls their tongue.

Proverbs 13:3 says "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin."  Our words can either cut and destroy or they can encourage and express love.  What we say represents how we have self-control over our lives.  We all know people that explode with harsh words when someone does something to them or says something that they don't agree with.  When one is wise, one knows how to handle situations.  Do you control your tongue?  Or do you just spit out words to get back to others?  Stop and think before you react or speak.  If you can control your tongue, then you will be able to control other issues in your life. 

Even James 3:5 says "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.  Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark."  So true.  We have all heard stories of how someone threw out a cigarette as they drove through a forest and that one cigarette destroyed the surroundings of the forest.

Just remember that is the same situation with our tongue.  One hateful word can destroy a friendship or a family.  What type of tongue do you have?  Is it controlling and/or caring or is it conniving and/or careless?

Also, Proverbs 13 talks about "He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded."  God wants us to listen to his instructions and do what he says.  The Bible is the manual for our life, just like our owner manual for our car instructs us on how to use everything in the car.  If a red light comes on in our car, we go to the manual to find out what is wrong and how we need to correct it.  The Bible does that for us.  If we would read it and obey the instructions, then we wouldn't have so many issues in our own lives. 

Proverbs 13 discussed so much more.  At this time, God is expressing to me that I need to be careful what I say and to listen to God's word.  As a friend always says "God gave us one mouth and two ears."  With the two ears, God wants me to listen at what He says!

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