Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 12 - Daffodils

From the moment that I woke up, I knew today was going to be fabulous.  I could tell that the temperature was warmer than what it has been in the mornings.  45 degrees, low humidity and sunny.  I could hardly wait to get outside and to feel the cool temperature as it hit my body.  It was early, so there were not that many people out yet.  With "stay in place", everybody it out.  Since the majority of people or working from home and people are not out shopping(except for groceries) or going to the movies and so one, everybody has the time to be outside.

Fortunately our weather has been nice.  We have had some snowy days, but within 2 to 3 days, the temp is back in the 60s or higher.

The chirping of the birds brings a smile to your face and makes you feel happy.  I don't understand how people can sit inside all day and watch the television or play on their laptop or phone.  I would probably be depressed as well.

With all that is going on, I have to look at the beauty around me.  The daffodils that I saw this morning reminded me of a poem by William Wordsworth.  "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud" is a lyric poem and is one of Wordsworth's best-known poems.   It is about daffodils.

The yellowish daffodils represent joy, playfulness, survival and beauty.  Nature has a way of making you feel that you belong.

During this time of chaos find a field of daffodils to brighten your day!

1 comment:

CWMartin said...

There is a patch of Dafs that grow wild down the canal. First blessing of spring every year.