Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 24 - Are We Really Listening?

I just got off of a two hour phone call with a good friend.  After a few weeks of  "stay at home", people are beginning to get very tired of not going anywhere, not seeing friends, not going out to eat, etc.  Our living arrangements have made a 180 turn.  People are now working from home, their children are now being schooled from home and college students have moved back in with mom and dad.  I do believe everybody understands that we are  having a health epidemic.  People are wanting to do whatever it takes to get this virus under control.  But in the meantime, we are all having to adjust.

We are all use to being in crowds.  How many concerts, sports entertainment and other events have you participated in your past?  Those events last several hours and then you are back in your car headed home with no crowds around.  Now no one is leaving the house and you are learning to share space.  I do realize that most of us are very fortunate to have nice living arrangements.  But when you are use to being by yourself and all of sudden, people are there 24/7, your own temperament begins to change.

As I listened to my friend talk about her daughter, mother and her work environment, I knew that I did not need to say anything, but listen.  Most people just need someone to vent to and release frustration.  It is not that they need a solution, they just need an ear.  Have you ever wondered why God gave us one mouth and two ears.  The two ears are for doubling the listening. 

There is a skill to listening and I do believe we all need to work on it.  It requires focusing and paying attention to the person who is speaking.  As you pay attention, you will begin to pay attention to their thoughts and how they feel.   Now if you are on the phone, then you just need to be quiet and not interrupt.

After the two hours, my friend seemed more cheerful as if she had a little spark to her life and that she could see at the end of the tunnel.

James 1:19 says "Take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen and slow to speak..."  If we talk too much and we aren't listening, people begin to think that their thoughts and concerns aren't important.  Are you listening, are you understanding and are you validating their own values?  That is all people really want.  You don't have to have a degree in psychology, you just need to be available to listen.

Psalms 116:1-2 says "He heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.  Because he turned his ear to me; I will call on him as long as I live."  Maybe you don't have someone who will listen.  Just remember that God is listening and he wants to give you his best.

During this health crisis, be available to open your ears and just listen to someone who may need to express some emotions.

I took this photo in January from the ship in Ft. Lauderdale.
All I could think of was "be still and listen as God whispers".

1 comment:

steppingoutshiningthrough said...

Children are a blessing!