Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 29 - Can You See Beyond the Clouds?

The "Stay At Home" has really been interesting in many ways.  If you have been fortunate to have a family member or many family members living with you, you have experienced living with them 24/7.  None of us really lives with anyone 24/7.  During normal times, your family members would have been going to work or school or going to various activities.   Now everyone is working and taking classes all under the same roof.  Families have had to find their own space within their home to work or to study.  Then you all come together for eating, watching TV and socializing and exercising.

Looking at the clouds today, you can look at them many ways.  Clouds create an overcast; clouds can also build and bring a thunderstorm or just a nice rain and clouds can lower the temperature.

So how are we looking at the current situation.  Are we looking at all the negatives it has brought into our lives or are we looking at all the positives?

King Solomon, even though he was a wise King, he was also very skeptical and pessimistic.  In the book of Ecclesiastes, he talks about everything being "meaningless".

One could have everything and still think their life is "worthless".  In a way that person could be correct.  If you are trying to gain success, accomplishments and earthly possessions, then you have gained nothing.  We need to understand that success and prosperity don't last long.  How many times have you read that someone had won the lottery and then within a year or so was living on the streets?  Are what about celebrities that earn so much, spend it all and lose their fame and they have nothing?

As I look at my current situation, I am happy to have a home that is large enough for me to move around; thankful to have food and grateful for the money that I have saved.  Am I happy to be at home 24/7?  No.  But I am also looking at what God is wanting to do in my life and in others.  These past 6 weeks, I have been able to rethink my purpose and the direction in my life.  My faith is definitely being tested.  And God is asking me to be still and to find the true and lasting meaning in knowing Him.

Even though our lives may be cloudy, we need to remember that those clouds can refresh us with some rain(new opportunities) or they can lower the temperature (our blood pressure) and our overall outlook of life.  The choice is yours!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I am lucky that Tim is still working as buses are still running.
I love him but 24/7 would drive me baty

CWMartin said...

Our situation was a bit different. At first I was off, and Laurie was considered essential. Then I got called back, and Laurie took the 2 weeks off offered by her employer. Think she's trying to tell me something?

steppingoutshiningthrough said...

I do believe all of this has made some people realize that they aren't ready to retire and quit working.