Friday, May 22, 2020

The Roaring of "2020"

Hard to believe that it is almost the end of May and that there are seven months left in the year of "2020".

It seems like yesterday that it was the first of the new "2020".  I was sending out cards and letters to everyone saying that "2020" would be a roaring year and a year of newness in all areas of their lives. No one knew that it definitely would be a year of newness and changes. 

At the beginning of the year, my husband and I cruised from Los Angeles through the Panama Canal to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  It was one of the best trips.  We enjoyed all the stops and especially the history of the building of the Panama Canal.  That is definitely a story that I will share in one of my blogs.

After getting back from the cruise, I finished up with the Real Estate course and took the final national/state exam on February 14th.  Hallelujah!  I passed.  I began working with a lady who has 15 years experience in real estate.  Even during the COVID crisis, we have had listings, purchases and closings.  

February was a full month of traveling to Las Vegas and meeting up with some friends to see the Doobie Brothers in concert.  We ended February by traveling to Houston for my husband's job and to visit family and then I traveled to Waco, Texas to see my parents for a week.

On March 3rd, I arrived back in Loveland and that is when the world began to change and the panic for toilet paper began.  I had been hearing about the corona virus, but I did not think much about it, since my husband and I experienced it back in November of 1989.  

Our lovely border collie, Brumby, became very ill and lethargic.  We thought she had parvovirus.  But after our vet ran several tests and took lots of blood samples, he sent them to North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota.  Within a few days, we were informed that she had the coronavirus.  Of course, we did not know what that was.  The veterinarian was not for sure if she would make it.  My husband and I were determined that she would live and would return back to Texas when we left Bismarck.  It was touch and go, but with a good diet, lots of love and prayers, she beat "the odds" and she did return to Texas with us.

March, April and now May have been almost a "blur".  March and April were all about "staying at home".  My husband and I followed protocol.  At the end of April, Colorado and Texas were beginning to ease people back into society.  I knew at that time that I needed to travel to Waco to see my parents.  My parents will be "90" and "86" this year and they have definitely had some challenges with their health.  Fortunately they are still in their home of "50" years.  My sister in Dallas had been making weekly visits to Waco to monitor their situations.  It was time to give my sister a break and for me to step up to the plate and assist.

Fortunately my neighbor needed to assist with her grand-daughters in San Antonio, Texas.  After a brief conversation, we decided to take a road trip to Texas.  This way we would not need to worry about flying and being surrounded by the public and worrying about the virus.  Four days after making the decisions, we loaded up in my neighbor's SUV and began the journey.  Now, we are not talking about a four drive or an eight hour drive.  From Loveland, Colorado to Waco, Texas, we were looking at traveling 917 miles or 1,476 kilometers.  It was a 15 hour drive with 2 stops.

We left Loveland at 4:30 am.   Traveling east on I-70, we experienced one of the most spectacular sunrises.  My neighbor has lived next door for almost three years.  When we are outside, we talk and discuss whatever is happening in the world.  Overall we hadn't spent that much time together.  Let me tell you if you want to get to know someone, spend 15 hours together.  It was a great trip to Texas and back.  We definitely know each other's dark secrets when we arrived back to Loveland.

My time in Waco was well spent.  I assisted my parents by taking them to doctor's visits, cooking, washing clothes, mowing the yard, getting the 2019 taxes completed and so much more.  I was up at 7 in the morning and I would put my head on the pillow between 11 pm and midnight.  I slept like a baby.  Even with all that I was doing, I made sure that I got in my 10,000+ steps daily.  I actually ended the week with over 109,000 steps.  Walking is my way to get away and to relax.

I am so thankful to have both of my parents, but it is very hard to see them age.  They were once the ones in charge and they were taking care of me.  Family has always been important to me.  

Getting back to Loveland from Texas was hard.  It was hard to be away from my parents, but I needed to get back and get my own home in order.  Colorado moved from "Stay at Home" to "Safer at Home".  Stores and other services are gradually beginning to open with a lot of protocol.  

I believe we all have learned a lot during the past months.  Definitely, I feel that people are more in tune with hygiene than they ever have before.  I have always been aware of washing hands, using wipes on planes, hotels, etc.  People just need to be aware and to think.  If you are sick with a fever, you don't go out.  I know that there is a lot to this virus that we will never know, but I do know that you can use common sense.

The "Roaring Twenties" will not be forgotten.  The "1920's" were known for the flappers, automobiles, nightclubs, movies and jazz.  The beginning of the "2020's" will be known for the COVID-19, the toilet paper panic, social distancing, masks, zoom, working from home, furloughs, lost of jobs and so much more.

As I look at the silver lining of the pandemic, I have learned that God was with me.  Isaiah 35:4 says "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  During this time, the Lord gave me peace to know that He was with me.  There was so much unknown.  Through all the unknown I knew I needed to trust God and to allow Him to give me the wisdom and knowledge that I needed.  I needed to be mindful of my surroundings and to respect other people and their opinions.  My prayer was and is that others will see the calmness and the glow of hope that surrounds me.

The decade has only begun.  I do believe that the rest of the 20's will be different.  During these months, families and relationships have learned how important the support of family and friends are.  People have reached out to assist others.  We have also learned who the frontline responders are.  They are the healthcare workers, first responders and the other essential personnel(grocery stores, pharmacies and so many more).  There is a new respect for these people.  

America may have different opinions about a lot of things, but overall "America stands strong together".  God bless America!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah this a time that will not forgotten but for not the best reason......

CWMartin said...

This was a very well put post. Glad you are making it through all right.

Unknown said...

Loved reading this pandemic perspective... and I relate to all of it! It's been wild and crazy... but yes God has been with us through it all... thank you Lord!