Saturday, February 13, 2021

Did I Make a Difference?

 As I look out at the balmy weather(it is -1 degrees with a wind chill factor of -15), my mind keeps thinking about "can we really make a difference to others?"

My heart and mind keeps telling me "yes".  I have always felt that if we don't do or say anything, nothing will ever change or happen.

As a Christian, the Lord has provided the Holy Spirit to guide and to direct me.  But I then wonder "what difference did I make?"

We all live different lives and we all have made different choices in life.

I do reflect back on choices that I have made and how they have affected my life as well as others.  That is definitely a topic in itself.

By doing something, we make a difference.  After being with someone, I will reflect on the conversation and think "I should have said that" or "I should have done that".

After the resurrection, Jesus appeared before the disciples and he told them to go forth and to share the gospel and that He would be with them until the end.  Jesus didn't say go and make sure that everybody believes in me, but He said "go and share the gospel".  We have to realize that we can't change anyone.  Only Jesus can change them.  

Satan likes to play with Christians and he makes us feel guilty if  someone that we shared with didn't change their ways.  We feel that we should have said "it this way" or if "I had only said it sooner", etc.  Satan has his strategy.  He wants us to feel that all is lost.  But when we walk with Jesus, He will always be the winner.  Romans 8:28 tells me "that God works in all things for those that love God and are called according to His purpose".  Evil is prevalent in our world, but God is able to turn all things into good.  If you have been faithful, don't doubt how God will work.

I can always second guess myself.  Instead of beating myself up, I need to reflect on the positive.  

What did I do?  

I was consistent.  I was there for that person.  They knew that someone cared for them.

I was genuine.  I was honest with them.  I didn't hide the truth.  I shared Jesus with them and the hope that only He can give.

I was unselfish.  I was thinking about them and what they needed.  It wasn't about me.  I wanted them to have joy in their life.

Even on these cold, frigid days, I wonder if it will ever be summer again.  Our lives are like those wintery days and we wonder "did I make a difference?"  God will provide spring and summer to help me forget when I doubt.  There are people in our lives that didn't change.  But God will bring forth someone who witnessed me being faithful to that friend.  You may never know the impact that you had on others that were with you during this time.  

Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven".  Be that beacon of truth and allow the light to shine from you.

You Did Make a Difference!




Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Does anyone make a differnce, eys we do, we just don't realise it

CWMartin said...

How you serve is in the moment- obedience plus sincerity equals positive effect.