Tuesday, February 16, 2021

With Age Comes Wisdom

Last night watching a movie, the actress told a friend who was trying to make a decision that "with age comes wisdom".  That statement hit home with me.  I thought that is so true.  I can look back at the last sixty-seven years of my life and think "I wish I had known in my early years what I know now".

In my twenties, there were so many decisions that I made not realizing that I was altering my life as well as others.  When one has a rebellious spirit, you just look at yourself and what you think will make you happy.

For several years, I lived in a dark place with no peace in my life.  It was as if I was running from something and looking for something to feel a void in me.

It was during this time that I picked up my Bible and I began to read and truly thirst for the word of God.  I can almost remember the day that the scales came off of my eyes and I began to see and to understand the verses that I was reading.  

I wish I could say that I did a "180" in my life, but I didn't.  Being in God's word was important, but also having a good time was what I thought I needed in my life.

I am thankful that God was with me.  He never gave up on me.  Even though at times I would give up on myself.

Wisdom was the key that kept me going and searching.  

I can remember reading 1King 3:5, "that night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and God asked him, "What would you like me to give you?"  One would think "wow".  I could ask for money, a new car, a great job, etc.  Do you know what Solomon told God?  Solomon said "give me the wisdom I need to rule your people with justice and to know the difference between good and evil.  Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule this great people of yours?"  And God told Solomon that He would give him wisdom and so much more.

These words were so powerful.  It made me stop and think about what I needed.  It wasn't riches and it wasn't having a good time, but it was the wisdom to make daily decisions.  Decisions that would assist me in walking with Him.

Even in James 1:5, the verse states "But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should pray to God, who will give it to him; because God gives generously and gracious to all".  

The book of Proverbs talks a lot about wisdom.  "It is better-much better-to have wisdom and knowledge than gold and silver."

Being youthful, I think of freedom; growing older, I think of being wise.

What is wisdom?  Why would I want to be wise?  The dictionary says that wisdom is "the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment; the quality of being wise".  Wisdom helps me to know what to say, as well as knowing when not to say anything.  

I need to apologize to a few people in my early years of life and to say forgive me for the decisions that I made.  The one thing that I do know is that God has forgiven me and He has restored joy into my life so that I can teach others about the new life that only Christ can give me and others.

I could go on and on and on about the insight that the Lord has given me throughout the years.  I asked and He provided.

May others take the time to be in the Word of God and pray about how scripture can set them free and that they will walk with Him as He guides them and gives them the knowledge that they need.  Trust Him so that He can help you make wise choices for your family, your job and yourself.  

Wisdom can make your life pleasant and lead you safely through your journey of life.

No matter what age you are, God can give you the wisdom that you need.  You don't have to wait until you have gray hair.  God is waiting for you to ask for wisdom now!  Don't wait!

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

So very true, such a wise post