Thursday, September 5, 2019

Proverbs 15 = What are we choosing?

As I sit here at my desk, I am thankful for the beautiful view that I have.  The yellow flowers gently swaying, the little white butterflies dancing from one flower to the next and the swallows gliding through sky.  

I have been studying for my real estate license and I decided I needed a break.  

Looking out into nature, I am thinking about what I read this morning in Proverbs.  One can get so overwhelmed with everyday life.  Everyone is so busy and we all have so many tasks.  Do you ever take time and just be still and take in what God has provided for each one of us?  Do we look at our lives and see that we have all been given choices?  Am I going to be angry or are am I going to be joyful?  How do I speak?  Do I speak with a gentle voice or is it a voice of anger?  

What do I feed my mind?  What type of music do I listen to?  What are the books that I read?  What do I read about on the internet?  Life is simple.  We are the ones who make it so hard.  There are a lot of angry people out there and they are showing their own frustrations by yelling at others or even killing others.  

Proverbs 15:1 says "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  Are you arguing with a whisper or are you shouting at the top of your lungs?  What are the words that you use?  The next time that you are angry with someone, try talking to them as you whisper.  If anything, they are going to have to get close to you and listen.  Seek peace and gentle words.  

Proverbs 15:14 says "The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly."  What you feed your mind is what effects your health and well-being.  If you read about evil, you will seek evil.  I can remember when I was about 14 and one of my friends had an attitude.  Well, I soon began to have an attitude at home.  My mother quickly told me that I needed to straighten up or I would no longer be able to hang out with my friend.  To this day, that has left an impression on me.  We do become, who we hang out with.  This is why I read books about wisdom and encouraging others.  

Proverbs 15:15 says "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast."  What is your attitude?  No one can choose the different circumstances that happen in our lives, but we can handle how we handle them.  If you are let go from a job, is it the bosses fault?  Normally it is because the company is downsizing or the economy, but it isn't your bosses fault.  How do you handle the situation?  I was let go from a job about 35 years ago.  I was single and I had no job.  I was hurt and angry.  I knew that my negative attitude could destroy me.  I began to look at my attitude, examine what I thought and what I dwelled on. I had to make some changes.  I made a plan of what I needed to do to find a job.  It took time, but I did find something.  It was the beginning of a beautiful career.

There are so many more wise verses in this chapter.  Changes in our lives begin with ourselves.  What choices will you make?

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