Sunday, July 21, 2019

Becoming Wise

The past few weeks have been filled with traveling, house guest and just being busy.  I do enjoy sitting down and typing about my travels, typing words of encouragement or just typing about anything.  I always hope that my story(ies) can help someone walk through life and see that "life happens" and we are the ones that sometimes mess it up.

As I say "life happens", I also know that we all want to have peace and joy while life is happening.

Life is an adventure and there is so much to see and to share.  In enjoying life, one needs to be wise.  There are so many people that have lots of knowledge, but they are not wise.The past few weeks I have listened to so many people's personal stories.  There are a lot of people going through physical pain as well as emotional pain.  How can one go through these pains, especially if they are a Christian?  We read that if we trust in Jesus then all our pains will go away.  Our pains are sometimes in our lives to assist us in becoming wise and to trust that God knows what He is doing.

Many years ago as I went through a lot of physical and emotional pain, I read the story about Solomon and how God appeared to him and said "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." Solomon said that "he wanted wisdom and knowledge,so that I may lead the people."  I knew that to be able to handle situations in my life, I needed wisdom and knowledge.

I have read many books--self-help books, inspirational books, books about becoming a leader, etc.  But the one book that I keep coming back to is the Bible.  Each chapter of the Bible has something to say.  One of my favorite books is Proverbs.

Proverbs was written by Solomon.  Remember, he had asked God to give him knowledge and wisdom.  Proverbs is a collection of wise statements.  It is filled with a wide range of topics; wisdom, knowing God, marriage, family life, business matters, wealth, seeking the truth and so much more. As you read Proverbs, you do feel so much closer to God.  Whether you are a Christian or not, Proverbs can fill you with wisdom and knowledge that you need on a daily basis of life.

I would like to take a chapter each day and talk about what that chapter means to me. 

If you are seeking direction and you don't know where to turn, I suggest that you take one chapter each day and read it and allow the chapter to guide you.  There are 31 chapters.  You could read a chapter each day and finish the book of Proverbs by the end of the month.  Try it for a month or try it for a year.  If you did it for a year, that means you would read Proverbs twelve times for that year.  I know that you will look at life differently.  That you will begin to have the joy, peace and happiness that you are seeking in your life.

If nothing else seems to work in your life, then what do you have to lose?  Read a chapter each day, be still and allow yourself to hear God as He whispers.

As I type, God knows each person that will take this challenge.  He wants to make a difference in your life.

Life is to be enjoyed!


CWMartin said...

I'm on my fourth or fifth time through. It really helps, not only the wisdom within it, but the obedience to God evidenced helps you understand so much more.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Life should be enjoyed but saddly for many it isn't