Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Proverbs 2 = Which path?

It is always interesting how when you start studying a particular subject or someone discusses a certain topic, that all of the sudden, you are hearing about that topic from everyone.  Or when you go buy a car and you make a comment that you have never noticed that car before.  You purchase the car and you see that brand of car everywhere. 

Since I have been talking about wisdom, the devotions for the day have been about wisdom.  It is interesting to read other people's insight of what wisdom is all about.  One author that I read today was discussing heavenly wisdom vs. earthly wisdom.  He quoted from James 3:14-16 - "But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.  Such wisdom does not come from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.  For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."

He discussed about how people choose earthly wisdom over heavenly wisdom.  Earthly wisdom is the poison of envy and the toxin of selfish ambition and is of the devil.  Heavenly wisdom is supernatural and is reserved for the child of God.

Proverbs 2 talks about the pathway to wisdom.  That wisdom is a gift to us.  To gain the heavenly wisdom, we need to be growing and searching for God.  To obtain wisdom, we must trust and honor God; we must realize that the Bible reveals God's wisdom to us; we must make a choice of wanting to make right choices and to avoid moral pitfalls and when we do sin or make wrong choices that we learn from them.

As I look back in life, I did want to walk with God, but I was so easily persuaded to take different paths that were not glorifying to God.  With the choices I did make, I did suffer consequences.  I do sometimes wonder if I had made more godly choices where would my life be.  I have to realize that my life is now and I do want to glorify God.  God is sovereign.  I continue to look forward and to be an encouragement of others to make wise choices.

In the Bible, there are so many wise leaders.  Joseph was a wise leader.  He prepared for a major famine and he helped rule Egypt.  What price did he pay to become the wise leader that he was?

David was another wise leader and he had a heart for God.  David was a sinner and he made some wrong choices and he suffered, but he never let his failures keep him from seeking God's wisdom.

Abigail was a wise wife.  She managed her household well in spite of her ornery and mean husband.

There are so many more wise leaders and messengers throughout the Bible.

The question is:  which path will you choose?  The earthly path or the heavenly path?

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Thank you, this was a damn good read