Monday, July 22, 2019

Proverbs 1 = Everyday Life

This morning as I read Proverbs 1, I realized once again how important it is to be in God's word.  He has so much to say.  I know that there are days that I read so fast that I don't comprehend anything.  Other days I take my time.  I read a verse or two and then I digest it and I walk away feeling that the presence of God was with me. 

As I was reading Chapter 1, I read the cross referenced words to the meaning of this chapter.  Solomon wrote this chapter as well as other chapters for young people to understand how to manage their lives.  In truth, we can all use some godly advice.

We need to realize that we don't know it all.  Even though at times, I think that I do.  Only God knows it all.  Are we going to walk with integrity or are we going to be a fool?

As we trust in God, He will give you the wisdom that you need.  Always remember your actions speak louder that your words.  Verse 8 states "Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching."  We have all heard that some parents tell their children "do as I say, not as I do."  The truth is children and people do watch the behavior of their parents, family and friends.  Action speaks so much louder than words.  What example are you portraying to others?  I could tell someone how much I care about them, but then my behavior to them is abusive physically and/or verbally.

Verses 10 through 19 talk about sin(an offense against religious or moral law).  Sin does separate us from our relationship with God.  We are all sinners and we have all sinned and we will continue to sin.  As we walk with God, He will give us the wisdom that we need as we are confronted with sin and issues.  Always know that there are always consequences(good or bad) to our actions.

Money plays such a big part of our lives.  Some people are so possessed with having money that they will do something illegal(such as stealing, embezzling or selling illegal items) so that they can obtain money.  These ways can totally destroy you.  God wants you to ask for wisdom in how to obtain money.  He will open doors for a job that will help you financially and/or He can assist you in getting into a school to learn a certain trade.  There are no limits with God.  We need to allow Him to work in His timing.  His timing is always the hard part for us because we always want things "now".

Verses 20 through 33 talk about rejecting wisdom.  God wants you to be wise.  Don't reject something that He wants to give you.  If you reject wisdom, you become a fool.  A fool is usually smart with knowledge, but they are rebellious, lazy, filled with anger and can not tell right from wrong.

As I can see, being filled with wisdom will give you the joy, happiness and peace that you are seeking.

Chapter 1 is letting you know that what you choose for your life(being filled with wisdom or being filled with foolishness) will be the first step in comprehending the book of Proverbs.

The choice is yours!


CWMartin said...

The sad part is, according to some, that Solomon wrote specifically for his heir, Rehoboam. And it obviously didn't take for him.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

So well said