Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Proverbs 3 = Benefits of Wisdom

When I read Chapter 3, the verse that always stands out for me is Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

In my late 20s and early 30s, I was single and I was always trying to make ends meet.  I was faithful in paying my bills and trying not to be in debt.  I wanted to take trips and I wanted to buy more "things", but I just never had enough money.  So God and I had a lot of talks.  He was always telling me to "trust Him", don't look at what everybody else is doing or how they are spending money.

I had cried out and asked the Lord "to please give me wisdom".  With that, He was always showing me to have wisdom, I had to trust Him.

Verses 14 through 15, says that wisdom is so much better than silver, gold or rubies.  Nothing that I desire can compare with these jewels.

So what do I gain when I have wisdom.  A person who has wisdom is loving; is faithful; trusts in the Lord; puts God first; turns away from evil; knows right from wrong; listens and learns and does what is right.  The benefits of wisdom is a long, prosperous life; favor with God and people; reputation for good judgement; success; health; vitality and riches, honor, pleasure, peace and protection.

The last part of Chapter 3 talks about our own integrity and how we treat others.  I need to be as eager to do good as I want good to be done to me.

I do love jewelry and all the beautiful stones, such as diamonds, pearls, sapphires, jade and onyx.  We have all looked at someone and if they are wearing a lot of expensive jewelry, we sometimes think they must have a lot of money and they must have it all(confidence, success, peace and so much more).  As I have learned in life, that jewelry is just a cover-up on their own life(there is no peace, no happiness or joy).

If I have wisdom, I have it all(the peace, joy and happiness).  My character represents so much more than what jewels would ever represent.

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