Saturday, March 28, 2020


Day 3 of "Stay At Home".  I was up by six this morning as I was going to get to the grocery store by 7 am (when the doors opened).  I pulled up to King Sooper at 6:50 am and there was already a line of about 15 people people.  And yes, everybody was obeying "social distancing" (6 feet of space between people to reduce the spread of the coronavirus).

The doors opened at exactly 7 am and the first group of 20 were able to enter the store.  I had my plan all figured out.  I would enter into the produce area and get the 7 items that I needed and then rush over to the chicken area.  The store did not have the chicken breast that my husband and I like, but they did have chicken strips.  Each customer had a limit of 2 packages of chicken.  I grabbed my chicken and then rushed over to the other area of the store getting bread, some Tostitos chips, milk and eggs.  There were only about 4 trays of brown caged eggs.  So I grabbed one and off to the self-checkout.  I was in and out in about 35 minutes.  Not bad.

As I was pushing my buggy in the store, I almost collided with another man.  He stopped and let me by, making sure I had my six feet.  I acknowledged him and told him "thank you" and said "this is the new norm".  He laughed and off he went.

Today I made sure that I had some normalcy happening at the house.  I washed sheets and cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed, etc.  Right now every one needs to keep as close as they can to a normal routine even thought right now, life is not normal.

Normalcy is so important for everyone.  As I have read several history books, especially regarding prisoner of wars and people that were in concentration camps, they all stressed that they had to have some normalcy to survive. 

As I enjoyed my walk this afternoon with the bright sun shining down on me, I enjoyed seeing more and more plants popping up from the ground.  This is definitely a sign of springtime and this is normal.   Once again God provided a flower to show me that life will be back to normalcy.  He didn't say when, but it is coming.


CWMartin said...

Been waiting for the new growth here, no such luck yet.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

What is normal?
Who knows?
Not me.......