Thursday, March 26, 2020

You Are Loved!

Today was our first official mandatory day of "Stay At Home" order in Colorado and it will last through April 11 unless rescinded or modified.  There are guidelines of "essential" reasons for leaving their homes.  "Essential" are going to get groceries, liquor, gas, medical reasons, banking and other concerns. 

Knowing that people are going to be bound to their homes, they are encouraging people to get out and take walks and ride their bikes, as long as everyone complies with the social distancing guidelines.  

My husband and I have worked out of our homes for over 30+ years.  With other businesses not able to meet for meetings, we have had more time on our hands.  We work on our computers and participate in zoom meetings and webinars.  After spending several hours looking at our computers, our eyes and brain need a rest.  It was time to walk and refresh(just like you do on your computer), our souls.

It was a beautiful day with sunshine and a cool breeze coming from the south.  There did not seem to be as many people out for walks today.  On our walk, I noticed several homes where children and adults had taken colored chalk and had drawn pictures or wrote phrases.  There was one particular one that caught my eye.  The family had drawn a rainbow with the words "You've Got This" and "You Are Loved".  

The rainbow reminded me of Noah and the flood.  After the flood, God said "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth......Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."  Genesis 9:13-16

The earth's order and seasons are still preserved, and rainbows still remind us of God's faithfulness and love.  "You are loved" and God is with us through this season of the coronavirus.

As you are out on your walks continue to look at the bright side.  There is a silver lining, even though you may not see it now.  That pot of gold is waiting for you.  You just have to look for it!

1 comment:

CWMartin said...

Great that you have a neighborhood that participates in such things. We had a chalk-drawing day and every night you're supposed to step out at 7 PM and wave to your neighbor. Our neighborhood is 0-for-2.