Tuesday, March 31, 2020

God's Power

As the hawk flew over me, I could almost feel his wings flapping across my face.  The hawk wasn't aware of the "social distancing".

Day 6 of "stay at home".  It is the last day of March and we have the next 30 days of "social distancing".  It is almost as if "time has stood still" and everything is moving at a slower pace.  I will say it has been nice not having a thousand things to do.  I do a list for each day so that I can feel as if I am accomplishing something on a daily basis.

The weather is gorgeous today.  It is sunny with some wind and very low humidity.  With the 70 degrees weather, people definitely wanted to be out.

There is beauty all around you.  You just have to open up your eyes and look around you.  My husband and I headed out on our daily walk and as we approached one of the streets, we could see a hawk sitting on top of the light post.

As we walked towards it, I had my phone/camera ready to capture the hawk as he flew off.  The hawk finally saw me coming towards him and he took off.  The wind lifted his wings as he begin to fly towards me.  Have you ever looked at a hawk?  The beak is so unique.  God designed it to be shaped like a hook so he is able to capture his food.

Reading about the hawk, I read that the hawk symbolizes "the ability to use intuition and higher vision in order to complete tasks or make important decisions".  Once again I am reminded of God's power and how He is going to take care of us.

Job 39:26 says "Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom and spread his wings toward the south?"  In chapter 39 of Job, God asks Job several questions about the animals.  Job's knowledge was limited.  God wanted Job to think about God's power and His sovereignty.  He needed to recognize that he(Job) needed to be still and listen to Him(God).

Are we listening?  Has God gotten our attention?  He is saying "hello" and I am here with you during this time of the coronavirus.

May today be your day of really listening to what God wants to say to you!

As the hawk flew over my head.

Hawk sitting on the lamp post.

Wind beneath his wings.

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Those photos are nice, I am not one to worry about the future I just live day by day