Saturday, March 21, 2020


This morning as I laid in bed hidden under the covers, I wonder what today would hold.  Ever since the corona virus has become a pandemic, life has been changing rapidly.  Businesses are temporarily closing due to the crowd control; the government is asking that people would stay at home; schools are shutting down for the rest of the semester and so on.  With all of this chaos, who would want to get out of bed?

I finally pulled myself together and faced the new day.  As I looked out of my window into the wetland area and saw the white snow and the sunlight hitting it to form little white crystals, I knew that this was a day to rejoice.  With the 19 degree temperature nothing was moving except for the great horned owl.  I was in awe as I watched him fly from one roof to another.

Feeling the stillness around me the verse that came to mind was "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!"  Those words say a lot.  What is there to rejoice, when I don't know what is going to happen each day?

Getting up each day is all about our attitude.  How are we going to look at life?  Is is half-full or half-empty?  I am going to say that it is half-full and it is up to me how I am going to fill it.  I could feel it with negativity or I could feel it with love and positive outlooks.

As I talked with God this morning and prayed for the world situation, I began to reflect on what have I been learning from this whole situation.  For one thing, I will not take a handshake or hug for granted.  I will treasure my time with family and friends.

So today will be a day of rejoicing and praising God for what I have taken for granted all these years!  The Lord has given me a reason to live and to serve Him.  How will I serve Him today?  Take some time today and as we all know the one thing that we do have now is "TIME"and reach out to family and friends with a phone call or text.  Use today to bring joy to someone else.

Today is a new day "rejoice and be glad in it"!

Holding everyone close to my heart during these times!


Unknown said...

This is Ruthie. I don't have a name here so just wanted you to know!🤗Love these words and your attitude for the day is exemplary. We are all experiencing the same things. I am so thankful for encouraging friends like you who remind us that there are MANY things we can be doing right now to improve ourselves and help others. Whatever chaos is going on here in the world, we know God is still in control of all things and He always will be. Therefore, we can rejoice in this day and be glad!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I am alive and well, as are the rest of my family so I can rejoice in that

Ann said...

Inspiring thoughts here—especially to not take a handshake or a hug for granted. Sending virtual hugs your way!