Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 15 - Fly Away

This afternoon on my bike ride I observed a paraglider as he took off into the flawless blue sky with no clouds around.  It was a gorgeous day with the temperature in the 50s, low humidity and just a breath of wind.

Watching the guy take off was actually something else.  He had this powered motor on his back and he took off running to catch the wind.  With the motor running, he began to glide from one area to the next.  By observing him, you could tell that he was really in touch with his surroundings and that he knew how to control the brakes and the throttle.

I wouldn't do paragliding, but I don't care for heights.  But it always amazes me to watch people with no fear of jumping out of planes, binge jumping, etc.

It is great to see that people are finding things to do to be outside and just to relax.

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I like to watch them but would never do it, I am afraid of open heights