Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 8 - The Joy of the Warbler

Watching the warbler sway back and forth on the reed out in the wetlands brought a smile to my face. With the cooler weather and overcast day, I preferred to stay inside.  From my desk, the yellow color caught my eye.  It was amazing to watch this bird that weighs less than an ounce hold on to the lightweight  reed.

Warblers are amazing birds to watch.  When several of them are together you can hear them chatter away with such joy and no worries.  Their sound is definitely music to my ears.

Knowing today was another day of "stay in place", it was hard to find joy.  As I watched the warbler, you could almost feel that as if he had no worries.  The birds follow the law that is laid out by God.  They don't question, they just know that He is with them and He will take care of them.

If only I was just as focused as that warbler was in listening and allowing God to direct my life.  With no worries or anxiety, I would have peace and joy. 

Matthew 6:26 states "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"

By "staying in place", it has helped me to stop and look at what God has created.  He has a story to tell.  We just need to be "still" and listen as He whispers into our soul.