Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 23-Laughter of a Child

There is something about the day after a snowstorm.  Looking out into the wetland area, the sun was rising in the east and the blue clear sky welcomed a bright, sunny, new day.  The temperature was very brisk with the weather channel showing 9 degrees.  As I looked into the pure white snowy open area, I could see a coyote coming around the bend looking for something to eat.

I enjoyed my quiet time as I prepared for day 23 of "staying at home".  Today would be filled with working on real estate transactions, getting outside and stretching my legs with a nice walk.

As I got ready for my walk, I could hear a tiny voice outside.  It was my neighbor and her three year old daughter.  The young girl was singing and enjoying playing in the snow.  Her favorite thing was making snow angels.  Mother and daughter played in the snow and created a snowman.  The giggling and excitement brought joy to my heart.

As I watched and listened to them, I thought of Jesus and how he welcomed children.  The disciples rebuked the parents from bringing their children to Jesus. When Jesus saw this, he was upset with them.  In Mark 10:14-16, Jesus said "let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth, anyone, who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.  And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them."

A child is so innocent and so trustworthy.  It is a shame that as we grow up, we become harden in those areas.  God doesn't want us to be immature, but He does want us to trust him with a childlike faith.

During these times, it is so easy to be anxious, upset or discouraged.  We just need to take time to be around a child and listen to their laughter and feel the joy that they have.


CWMartin said...

Very true! Kids don't have the baggage we lug around.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Hearing children laugh make my happy