Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 32 - Oh! Beautiful!

I came across this photo today and it warmed my heart.  I took this photo about two years ago in Celebration, Florida.  This community is located near Walt Disney World Resort.  The architect of the homes and the town remind me of the homes back in the late 50's and early 60's.  You think you are in Mayberry and that any minute Andy Griffith or Barney will walk out.

As we are going through this pandemic, one begins to think about all the different resorts and amusement parks.  You wonder, when and if they will reopen.

Looking at this photo, I remember that special day that I was visiting with friends.  We sat out on their back porch and talked to everyone that walked by.  It is amazing all the people that walk by our house now.  It is so nice to see families walking their dog(s), pushing the baby strollers and seeing the little ones ride their tricycles up and down the sidewalk.  It has been a long time since I have seen so many families walking and enjoying being with each other.  Before the "stay at home", families were off to various events or meetings and they never seemed to have time to enjoy being outside.

I'm humming, "America, The Beautiful" as I type. 
"Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain; for purpler mountain majesties above the fruited plain!  America! America! God shed his grace on thee, and crown they good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea."

The author, Katharine Lee Bates, wrote this song when she went to the top of Pike's Peak in Colorado.  As I travel in Colorado, you can see and understand why she wrote those words.

I talk a lot about nature and beauty.  This is what helps me get through these thirty-two days of "staying-at-home". 

Tomorrow some of our counties will begin to allow some businesses to open up. 

Praying that God will be with the people and stores that will begin to open their doors for business!  Praying a hedge of protection around everyone!  And continued prayers for a cure for this virus!


CWMartin said...

Lovely neighborhood... and memory.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Awesome photo and a great memory