Today is a beautiful Indian summer in Colorado. This morning it was cool, cloudy and high humidity. It is now early afternoon and the clouds have separated and now all you see is blue sky and sun. There is a gentle breeze from the south with the temperature rising.
As I look out of the window, I see the changing colors of the leaves. The red and golden yellow leaves are gently dancing in the distance.
I have been reading Proverbs everyday now for almost three months. Some chapters I have read over and over and over. There is so much truth written that it is hard to put on paper exactly what those truths are.
Proverbs 18 has used the words mouth and lips several times throughout this chapter. As I read it again, I hear God saying "be careful what you say." As I have mentioned several times, God has given us two ears and 1 mouth. Are we listening or are we talking and not hearing what others have to say?
Proverbs 18:4 says "The words of a man's mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook." Our mouth is deep, but what are we vocalizing. Are we speaking words of "truth" or we speaking words of "untruth"? Our mouths can be so destructive. I choose a mouth that speaks words of encouragement, honesty, empathy and so much more.
Proverbs 18:6 says "A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating." I am in the cosmetic business, so I love different color lipsticks. I feel like the perfect lipstick can brighten your day. On my mirror are these words "for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness". How true! Your lips can either brighten your day or sadden your day. May your mouth speak words of joy!
Proverbs 18:7 says it all, "A fool's mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul." What your mouth and lips say can enrich your day. What is your soul? Are you a person of integrity, someone of morals? Your soul will be expressed through your mouth and out of your lips.
Proverbs 18:21, "The tongue has the power of life and death...." As I tell people, "are you going to breathe life and encouragement among others or are you going to be the one who destroys them". I choose, breathing life.
Proverbs 18 has so much more to say. Take the time to read it and see what God is trying to tell you.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Proverbs 17 = Purify Your Heart
I have read Proverbs 17 about six times trying to decide what to say that I haven't said in the last sixteen chapters. Each chapter continues to say the same thing but in a different way. I know that we all look at life differently and sometimes it takes a different approach for us to understand.
As I have said Proverbs is all about "wisdom" and how we can go about in gaining wisdom through our daily walk. It is amazing that we can read a verse several times before we understand what it is saying to you.
These are verses that stood out to me.
"The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart." Proverbs 17:3 As we know, it takes intense heat to purify gold and silver. That is so true about our own lives. It is normally the tough times that help us to grow closer to God and to understand how important our faith is.
"Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out." Proverbs 17:14 How often do you have to have the last word? Or you are always right about everything? It is amazing to see how quarrels start. Normally a quarrel starts because of something so minute. Next time you begin to quarrel with someone, stop and think about what you are really quarreling about. Your gentle words could make all the difference .
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17 Who are you truly friends with. Are you there for them during the rough times as well as the good times? A friend is willing to listen to you, to encourage you, to cry with you and to laugh with you. Make a list of your true friends and look at each name and see if you really are a friend to them. Are you there for them when they really need you?
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 This verse says it all. What is your attitude? A smile, a hug and a listening ear could change someone else's outlook in life.
The last verse in chapter 17 says "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." Sometimes being quiet in a group of friends helps you to really listen to what is being said. You can learn a lot from people by listening and watching them. By being quiet you can have the right words to speak to someone. People do listen to people who don't talk all the time.
One of E.F. Hutton's quotes was "speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you."
Another chapter in Proverbs with lots of words of wisdom. Take time to read each chapter and "be still as God speaks to you."
As I have said Proverbs is all about "wisdom" and how we can go about in gaining wisdom through our daily walk. It is amazing that we can read a verse several times before we understand what it is saying to you.
These are verses that stood out to me.
"The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart." Proverbs 17:3 As we know, it takes intense heat to purify gold and silver. That is so true about our own lives. It is normally the tough times that help us to grow closer to God and to understand how important our faith is.
"Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out." Proverbs 17:14 How often do you have to have the last word? Or you are always right about everything? It is amazing to see how quarrels start. Normally a quarrel starts because of something so minute. Next time you begin to quarrel with someone, stop and think about what you are really quarreling about. Your gentle words could make all the difference .
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17 Who are you truly friends with. Are you there for them during the rough times as well as the good times? A friend is willing to listen to you, to encourage you, to cry with you and to laugh with you. Make a list of your true friends and look at each name and see if you really are a friend to them. Are you there for them when they really need you?
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22 This verse says it all. What is your attitude? A smile, a hug and a listening ear could change someone else's outlook in life.
The last verse in chapter 17 says "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." Sometimes being quiet in a group of friends helps you to really listen to what is being said. You can learn a lot from people by listening and watching them. By being quiet you can have the right words to speak to someone. People do listen to people who don't talk all the time.
One of E.F. Hutton's quotes was "speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you."
Another chapter in Proverbs with lots of words of wisdom. Take time to read each chapter and "be still as God speaks to you."
Monday, September 9, 2019
Proverbs 16 = Success
My brain is fried and my eyes can not focus any more. As I am reading, listening to lectures and taking quizzes, I keep thinking what am I doing. Why am I subjecting myself to this? I am "65" and will be "66" in three months. People keep telling me that I am at the age to retire and "enjoy life".
I have always enjoyed life. I do try to take advantage of all my opportunities. When I was working in the corporate world, I traveled and was always interacting with people. I have never used the word "retire". When I think of some retired people, I think of people who have given up and are just sitting around, waiting to die. I know that there are others that are just as busy as when they were working.
I know since I left New York, I have been trying to find my place. I was able to do contract assignments with the company that I worked with and that was enjoyable. I got to travel and to train others on a product that I was familiar with and that I loved. Now the company is going in a different direction in training, so I am not being utilized. So what do I do now?
As I have reread Proverbs 16 for about three days in a row, I keep going back to the same verse.
Proverb 16:3, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed." I know that God is not finished with me and He still wants to use me. So what are my new plans?
I am now taking courses to get my Real Estate License. It has been very challenging, but I do feel my brain being exercised. Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." The course is laid out with the reading, studying and listening to lectures. The Lord sees that I am taking the steps to fulfill this task. I am not waiting around for God to hand over the license. Along each step, I am asking Him to bless me. To give me confidence and to be able to comprehend what I read.
Even Proverbs 16:16 says "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!" This verse is stated several times throughout Proverbs. God wants to give me wisdom. How do I obtain wisdom? It is by asking Him and then He directs me through books, reading the Bible, stretching my brain, etc.
Proverbs 16:23, "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction." God is with me as I speak.
Even Proverbs 16:31 says "Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life." Even though I am older and I do have some gray hairs underneath the color, God wants me to have a fulfill life. A life that is still honoring to Him. It is with the gray hair and the wisdom that I am able to be a good listener and encourager.
The other day I saw the most spectacular double rainbow that arched from one end to the next. As I looked at that rainbow, I remembered the promise that God told Noah. Genesis 9:13, "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." The rainbow is visible when it rains as a sign to all that God will keep his promises.
God has promised so much in the Bible. He promises me that if I commit whatever I do, He will be with me. Those are the words that will get me through the next two months.
I have always enjoyed life. I do try to take advantage of all my opportunities. When I was working in the corporate world, I traveled and was always interacting with people. I have never used the word "retire". When I think of some retired people, I think of people who have given up and are just sitting around, waiting to die. I know that there are others that are just as busy as when they were working.
I know since I left New York, I have been trying to find my place. I was able to do contract assignments with the company that I worked with and that was enjoyable. I got to travel and to train others on a product that I was familiar with and that I loved. Now the company is going in a different direction in training, so I am not being utilized. So what do I do now?
As I have reread Proverbs 16 for about three days in a row, I keep going back to the same verse.
Proverb 16:3, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed." I know that God is not finished with me and He still wants to use me. So what are my new plans?
I am now taking courses to get my Real Estate License. It has been very challenging, but I do feel my brain being exercised. Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." The course is laid out with the reading, studying and listening to lectures. The Lord sees that I am taking the steps to fulfill this task. I am not waiting around for God to hand over the license. Along each step, I am asking Him to bless me. To give me confidence and to be able to comprehend what I read.
Even Proverbs 16:16 says "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!" This verse is stated several times throughout Proverbs. God wants to give me wisdom. How do I obtain wisdom? It is by asking Him and then He directs me through books, reading the Bible, stretching my brain, etc.
Proverbs 16:23, "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction." God is with me as I speak.
Even Proverbs 16:31 says "Gray hair is a crown of splendor, it is attained by a righteous life." Even though I am older and I do have some gray hairs underneath the color, God wants me to have a fulfill life. A life that is still honoring to Him. It is with the gray hair and the wisdom that I am able to be a good listener and encourager.
The other day I saw the most spectacular double rainbow that arched from one end to the next. As I looked at that rainbow, I remembered the promise that God told Noah. Genesis 9:13, "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." The rainbow is visible when it rains as a sign to all that God will keep his promises.
God has promised so much in the Bible. He promises me that if I commit whatever I do, He will be with me. Those are the words that will get me through the next two months.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Proverbs 15 = What are we choosing?
As I sit here at my desk, I am thankful for the beautiful view that I have. The yellow flowers gently swaying, the little white butterflies dancing from one flower to the next and the swallows gliding through sky.
I have been studying for my real estate license and I decided I needed a break.
Looking out into nature, I am thinking about what I read this morning in Proverbs. One can get so overwhelmed with everyday life. Everyone is so busy and we all have so many tasks. Do you ever take time and just be still and take in what God has provided for each one of us? Do we look at our lives and see that we have all been given choices? Am I going to be angry or are am I going to be joyful? How do I speak? Do I speak with a gentle voice or is it a voice of anger?
What do I feed my mind? What type of music do I listen to? What are the books that I read? What do I read about on the internet? Life is simple. We are the ones who make it so hard. There are a lot of angry people out there and they are showing their own frustrations by yelling at others or even killing others.
Proverbs 15:1 says "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Are you arguing with a whisper or are you shouting at the top of your lungs? What are the words that you use? The next time that you are angry with someone, try talking to them as you whisper. If anything, they are going to have to get close to you and listen. Seek peace and gentle words.
Proverbs 15:14 says "The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly." What you feed your mind is what effects your health and well-being. If you read about evil, you will seek evil. I can remember when I was about 14 and one of my friends had an attitude. Well, I soon began to have an attitude at home. My mother quickly told me that I needed to straighten up or I would no longer be able to hang out with my friend. To this day, that has left an impression on me. We do become, who we hang out with. This is why I read books about wisdom and encouraging others.
Proverbs 15:15 says "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." What is your attitude? No one can choose the different circumstances that happen in our lives, but we can handle how we handle them. If you are let go from a job, is it the bosses fault? Normally it is because the company is downsizing or the economy, but it isn't your bosses fault. How do you handle the situation? I was let go from a job about 35 years ago. I was single and I had no job. I was hurt and angry. I knew that my negative attitude could destroy me. I began to look at my attitude, examine what I thought and what I dwelled on. I had to make some changes. I made a plan of what I needed to do to find a job. It took time, but I did find something. It was the beginning of a beautiful career.
There are so many more wise verses in this chapter. Changes in our lives begin with ourselves. What choices will you make?
Monday, September 2, 2019
Proverbs 14 = Discerning
Reading Proverbs 14, I realize how much wisdom there is in reading Proverbs. You should probably take one verse a day and really think about it. There is so much thought placed in each verse.
These are some of the verses in this chapter that spoke to me.
Proverbs 14:1, "Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness." So many woman today feel as if they have no power, that they have no say of anything. But the truth is, they have a lot to say by their actions and how they encourage their own family and friends. As I continue to read this chapter, there is so much that is said regarding our attitudes and our temperament. They can either destroy some one or lift them up.
Proverbs 14:6, "The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning." We all know those individuals, who love to complain about everything. Nothing is ever right. They wander why their lives are always the pits. What is their attitude? Are they seeking wisdom? To have wisdom, you must seek it.
Proverbs 14:29, "If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are." Who hasn't had a hot temper? The truth is "we have all lost our temper". The time that I lost my temper, I felt embarrassed. I had to figure out what the root of the whole situation really was. By having a temperament, we begin to push people away. People do not want to be around ones who have anger issues because you never know when they are going to explode. Anger is a sin because it does tear you away from your walk with Jesus.
Proverbs 14:33, "Wisdom is in every thought of an intelligent man; fools know nothing about wisdom." When I am seeking wisdom, I feel a calmness that comes over me. God's peace is with me and it guides me to know the direction that He wants me to go. A fool doesn't have peace. They just continue to make the same mistakes over and over and over.
Every time that I read this chapter, a different verse speaks to me. That is why I need to continue reading Proverbs.
These are some of the verses in this chapter that spoke to me.
Proverbs 14:1, "Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness." So many woman today feel as if they have no power, that they have no say of anything. But the truth is, they have a lot to say by their actions and how they encourage their own family and friends. As I continue to read this chapter, there is so much that is said regarding our attitudes and our temperament. They can either destroy some one or lift them up.
Proverbs 14:6, "The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning." We all know those individuals, who love to complain about everything. Nothing is ever right. They wander why their lives are always the pits. What is their attitude? Are they seeking wisdom? To have wisdom, you must seek it.
Proverbs 14:29, "If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are." Who hasn't had a hot temper? The truth is "we have all lost our temper". The time that I lost my temper, I felt embarrassed. I had to figure out what the root of the whole situation really was. By having a temperament, we begin to push people away. People do not want to be around ones who have anger issues because you never know when they are going to explode. Anger is a sin because it does tear you away from your walk with Jesus.
Proverbs 14:33, "Wisdom is in every thought of an intelligent man; fools know nothing about wisdom." When I am seeking wisdom, I feel a calmness that comes over me. God's peace is with me and it guides me to know the direction that He wants me to go. A fool doesn't have peace. They just continue to make the same mistakes over and over and over.
Every time that I read this chapter, a different verse speaks to me. That is why I need to continue reading Proverbs.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Skagway, Alaska
As we entered Skagway, one could imagine it was 1897 and the town was bustling because gold had been discovered. During the late 1800's, there were almost 10,000 people in this area with about 80 bars. Today, it is a town of 950 people and now comes alive when the cruise lines are at dock. Skagway is known for its scenery, pioneer spirit and vintage railroad.
The town has done quite well in keeping its history.
As we went ashore, the beauty of the mountains surrounding the ship was breathtaking. The sun was peaking through the clouds and there wasn't a breath of wind. As we talked with the tour guides, we found out that this was very unusual, as it is normally windy and raining. I was happy to hear this, as the ship was not able to dock in Juneau the day before due to strong winds.
We loaded into a bus with thirty other passengers and headed into Canada to experience the Yukon. The scenery as we drove on the South Klondike Highway was majestic. The Klondike Highway parallels the route used by the prospectors in the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush. Gold was discovered in this region on August 16, 1896. Between 1896 and 1899, a stampede of approximately 100,000 prospectors rushed to this area. Only a few became wealthy and others lost everything.
Driving toward the Canadian border, the terrain transformed from the rainforest in Skagway to the towering mountains and beautiful emerald lakes of all sizes. It seemed as if at every turn on the highway, the views were just as beautiful as the previous ones. After a couple of hours, we reached the White Pass Summit at 3,290 feet above sea level.
We made several stops. Everyone enjoyed taking photos at the signs of "Welcome to Alaska" and "Yukon, Larger than Life". What a great way to capture the moment.
The Caribou Crossing Depot was our destination for a chicken barbecue lunch. Upon arriving, the depot was swarming with people and buses. After lunch, we walked around and enjoyed the Wildlife Gallery, the Canadian Bounty Museum, the petting zoo and then there was the dog musher's village. We got to meet the puppies that were potential candidates for the Iditarod.
As we left the depot, we drove to Carcross, in Canada. This little town has a population of 400 people. They rely on tourism to support the local economy. They created a town that caters tourists. There are coffee shops, art galleries, a hotel, restaurants and musicians singing. My favorite place was the information booth where the volunteers stamped your passport with the Canadian stamp. Gone are the days that your passport gets stamped anymore. As its now scanned.
Returning to Skagway, we walked through the town in admiration of the way that the buildings have been preserved from the period of the Klondike Gold Rush. The majority of these buildings are only open during the tourist season(May through September). You can also ride the vintage locomotive, White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad, up the Chilkoot trail. The views to the Canadian Border as you travel up the tracks are amazing.
Arriving at the ship, the sun was beginning to set. I walked up to the 16th floor of the ship to capture the beautiful backdrop of the clouds, Skagway and the mountains.
As we went ashore, the beauty of the mountains surrounding the ship was breathtaking. The sun was peaking through the clouds and there wasn't a breath of wind. As we talked with the tour guides, we found out that this was very unusual, as it is normally windy and raining. I was happy to hear this, as the ship was not able to dock in Juneau the day before due to strong winds.
We loaded into a bus with thirty other passengers and headed into Canada to experience the Yukon. The scenery as we drove on the South Klondike Highway was majestic. The Klondike Highway parallels the route used by the prospectors in the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush. Gold was discovered in this region on August 16, 1896. Between 1896 and 1899, a stampede of approximately 100,000 prospectors rushed to this area. Only a few became wealthy and others lost everything.
Driving toward the Canadian border, the terrain transformed from the rainforest in Skagway to the towering mountains and beautiful emerald lakes of all sizes. It seemed as if at every turn on the highway, the views were just as beautiful as the previous ones. After a couple of hours, we reached the White Pass Summit at 3,290 feet above sea level.
We made several stops. Everyone enjoyed taking photos at the signs of "Welcome to Alaska" and "Yukon, Larger than Life". What a great way to capture the moment.
The Caribou Crossing Depot was our destination for a chicken barbecue lunch. Upon arriving, the depot was swarming with people and buses. After lunch, we walked around and enjoyed the Wildlife Gallery, the Canadian Bounty Museum, the petting zoo and then there was the dog musher's village. We got to meet the puppies that were potential candidates for the Iditarod.
As we left the depot, we drove to Carcross, in Canada. This little town has a population of 400 people. They rely on tourism to support the local economy. They created a town that caters tourists. There are coffee shops, art galleries, a hotel, restaurants and musicians singing. My favorite place was the information booth where the volunteers stamped your passport with the Canadian stamp. Gone are the days that your passport gets stamped anymore. As its now scanned.
Returning to Skagway, we walked through the town in admiration of the way that the buildings have been preserved from the period of the Klondike Gold Rush. The majority of these buildings are only open during the tourist season(May through September). You can also ride the vintage locomotive, White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad, up the Chilkoot trail. The views to the Canadian Border as you travel up the tracks are amazing.
Arriving at the ship, the sun was beginning to set. I walked up to the 16th floor of the ship to capture the beautiful backdrop of the clouds, Skagway and the mountains.
Skagway Pier
Friday, August 23, 2019
Glacier Bay National Park
One can't even imagine how Captain George Vancouver felt as he first set eyes on the small five-mile inlet that was Glacier Bay back in 1794. At that time the Bay was all glacier and no bay. And then eighty years later, naturalist John Muir came to Glacier Bay with a group of the native Tlingit. I am sure they were both in awe of the glaciers, as I was.
Here it is, 2019, and I enter into the bay on a ship with 3,600 other passengers. Everyone has on layers of clothing. The temperature is in the 40s and it is wet, cold and foggy. I could barely handle the elements. I would run up top of the ship and take photos and then go back to an area that was warmer. How would I have handled the temperature if I had been with Captain Vancouver or John Muir? I am sure they were not wearing thermal underwear.
Now days, the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve only allows two ship into the bay area each day. The only way to get to this park is by ship or plane. As I look at the glaciers, the blue coloring is so peaceful and relaxing. Why does the ice look blue? The Park Ranger said "when light hits highly compacted glacier ice, long wavelength colors(reds) are absorbed, while short wavelength colors(blues) reflect back through the ice to your eyes."
If you wondering how deep Glacier Bay is, it is very deep. It was carved out by a glacier and filled in with saltwater as the glacier retreated, creating a fjord. A fjord is a long, deep, narrow body of water that reaches far inland. Much of the bay is over 1,000 feet deep. About eight months ago, my husband and I rounded the Cape Horn and today we are entering into the Glacier Park. From one end of the world, to the top of the world.
As we cruise along, all I could think of was how desolate and barren that both Cape Horn and Glacier Park are. There is no one living in these areas. It was summer in both of these areas, but still everyone had on layers of clothing. What are the winters like?
Glacier Bay is over 3.2 million acres of forest, inlet and shore, mountain peaks rising over 15,000 feet and of course, the glaciers. The two glaciers that we saw were the Lamplugh Glacier and Margerie Glacier. Lamplugh is an 8 mile long glacier. The glacier was named for English geologist George William Lamplugh, who visited Glacier Bay in 1884.
Margerie Glacier is one of Alaska's most photographed features, and also one of the state's most active glacial faces. It is a 21 mile long tidewater glacier. This glacier is named after French geologist and geographer Emmanuel de Margerie who visited the area in 1913. While most of the tidewater glaciers in the park have been receding over the last several decades, Margerie Glacier has become stable, neither growing nor receding.
Humpback whales are most often seen in the Glacier Bay. I was sad that I didn't see any. There are over 400 National Parks in the United States. I am now proud to say that I have been to Glacier Bay National Park. The mission of the National Park Service is "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." Find a park near you and enjoy the surroundings and reflect on the past and what each man has done to make this a better place.
Here it is, 2019, and I enter into the bay on a ship with 3,600 other passengers. Everyone has on layers of clothing. The temperature is in the 40s and it is wet, cold and foggy. I could barely handle the elements. I would run up top of the ship and take photos and then go back to an area that was warmer. How would I have handled the temperature if I had been with Captain Vancouver or John Muir? I am sure they were not wearing thermal underwear.
Now days, the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve only allows two ship into the bay area each day. The only way to get to this park is by ship or plane. As I look at the glaciers, the blue coloring is so peaceful and relaxing. Why does the ice look blue? The Park Ranger said "when light hits highly compacted glacier ice, long wavelength colors(reds) are absorbed, while short wavelength colors(blues) reflect back through the ice to your eyes."
If you wondering how deep Glacier Bay is, it is very deep. It was carved out by a glacier and filled in with saltwater as the glacier retreated, creating a fjord. A fjord is a long, deep, narrow body of water that reaches far inland. Much of the bay is over 1,000 feet deep. About eight months ago, my husband and I rounded the Cape Horn and today we are entering into the Glacier Park. From one end of the world, to the top of the world.
As we cruise along, all I could think of was how desolate and barren that both Cape Horn and Glacier Park are. There is no one living in these areas. It was summer in both of these areas, but still everyone had on layers of clothing. What are the winters like?
Glacier Bay is over 3.2 million acres of forest, inlet and shore, mountain peaks rising over 15,000 feet and of course, the glaciers. The two glaciers that we saw were the Lamplugh Glacier and Margerie Glacier. Lamplugh is an 8 mile long glacier. The glacier was named for English geologist George William Lamplugh, who visited Glacier Bay in 1884.
Margerie Glacier is one of Alaska's most photographed features, and also one of the state's most active glacial faces. It is a 21 mile long tidewater glacier. This glacier is named after French geologist and geographer Emmanuel de Margerie who visited the area in 1913. While most of the tidewater glaciers in the park have been receding over the last several decades, Margerie Glacier has become stable, neither growing nor receding.
Humpback whales are most often seen in the Glacier Bay. I was sad that I didn't see any. There are over 400 National Parks in the United States. I am now proud to say that I have been to Glacier Bay National Park. The mission of the National Park Service is "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." Find a park near you and enjoy the surroundings and reflect on the past and what each man has done to make this a better place.
Explore Ketchikan
As I stepped foot onto the pier off of the ship, I looked up and my eyes were in awe of the sighting of a bald eagle. It flew past me into the surrounding forest. It was early morning and there wasn’t much traffic in the area. Kenny and I were enjoying the sun and the 60 degree temperature as we walked toward downtown Ketchikan.
There were two ships docked at the harbor and three more ships were expected to dock within the next hour or two. It was early and there weren’t as many tourist wandering around. We headed to the downtown area. One of the first things that we saw was Eagle Park with a carving of an eagle which had been carved by Nathan Jackson. Across the street was the Welcome Arch which says “Ketchikan,
Ketchikan is Alaska’s First City on the cruise line and The Salmon Capital of the World”. There are five different species of wild Pacific salmon that are found in the Alaska waters surrounding this area. The different salmons are chum, sockeye, king, silver and pink.
Of course, let’s not forget the famous “rain gauge”. It had all the weather information that you would want to know about Ketchikan. Average rainfall is 12 1/2 feet a year; January average temperature is 32.6 degrees; July average temperature is 57.5. In 1949, this area received 202.6 inches of rain. With as thick as the forest is, an area would need this much rain.
As we walked around the area, we talked with the locals and we found out that the population for the city is approximately 8,000 and the surrounding area is about 14,000. Ketchikan comes from the the Tlingit Indians name for the creek. A lot of people also don’t realize that Ketchikan is an island. The airport is on another island and they have to use a ferry to get there.
From the Arch, we walked towards St.John’s Episcopal Church. It is one of the oldest buildings built in 1902. Two minutes from the church is Whale Park and Chief Kyan Totem Pole. The totem pole was carved in 1993 and is the replica of a pole raised in 1898 for a Tlingit chief.
About ten minutes up the road is the fish ladder. This is where the salmon struggle back to their native streambed, fighting lower falls and then using a concrete fish ladder to avoid the roughest white water. We continued to walk down the stream looking at the salmon jumping out of the water.
As we got down to the end of the stream, we entered into Creek Street Historic District. This is where the red-light district was back in 1902. There were more than 30 houses of "working girls" in this area. Bootleggers rowed into this area at night to deliver booze. The city outlawed prostitution in 1953 and the Creek Street became a residential and commercial area.
Our morning was filled with lots of walking. Getting hungry, we located a restaurant "Ketchikan Crab & Grill", which was close to the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center. The Discovery Center provides exhibits and activities about the ecology, economy and culture of southeast Alaska and its temperate rainforest ecosystems. The restaurant was very busy. They had two seats available at the bar and we sat there. Our seats were where the orders were being placed. It was very entertaining watching the manager make sure that all the orders were filled and everything was coming out in a timely manner. In talking with the manager, we found out that this restaurant is only opened from the first of May to the end of September. This is when the cruise ships are in town. The manager lives in Florida during those months that the restaurant is closed. By the time that we finished our lunch and started heading back to our ship, the town was definitely buzzing. All five cruise ships were in town. I would say that these five cruise ships had approximately 16,000 passengers on board. As soon as the ships head out back to sea, all these shops and restaurants close for the day.
This small town does have three grocery stores. One of the supermakets, Tatsuda's, has been in operation for over 100 years. At 18 years old, Kichirobei "Jimmie" Tatsuda, left his home in Yawatahma, Japan for America in search of new opportunities and adventure. He settled in Ketchikan and did odd jobs. He eventually opened up the grocery store. When WWII came about and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Jimmie and his family were placed in a camp. The community of Ketchikan kept the grocery store going. When the war was over and Jimmie and his family returned back to Ketchikan, the people handed over the keys and every penny that was made during that time. The Tatsuda family have always been grateful for all that the community did for them during this time.
There is so much more to do, such as attending the Lumberjack Show; taking a sea-plane into the Misty Fjords National Monument and exploring the Rainforest Sanctuary. You definitely want to get off the ship when you get to Ketchikan.
There were two ships docked at the harbor and three more ships were expected to dock within the next hour or two. It was early and there weren’t as many tourist wandering around. We headed to the downtown area. One of the first things that we saw was Eagle Park with a carving of an eagle which had been carved by Nathan Jackson. Across the street was the Welcome Arch which says “Ketchikan,
Ketchikan is Alaska’s First City on the cruise line and The Salmon Capital of the World”. There are five different species of wild Pacific salmon that are found in the Alaska waters surrounding this area. The different salmons are chum, sockeye, king, silver and pink.
Of course, let’s not forget the famous “rain gauge”. It had all the weather information that you would want to know about Ketchikan. Average rainfall is 12 1/2 feet a year; January average temperature is 32.6 degrees; July average temperature is 57.5. In 1949, this area received 202.6 inches of rain. With as thick as the forest is, an area would need this much rain.
As we walked around the area, we talked with the locals and we found out that the population for the city is approximately 8,000 and the surrounding area is about 14,000. Ketchikan comes from the the Tlingit Indians name for the creek. A lot of people also don’t realize that Ketchikan is an island. The airport is on another island and they have to use a ferry to get there.
From the Arch, we walked towards St.John’s Episcopal Church. It is one of the oldest buildings built in 1902. Two minutes from the church is Whale Park and Chief Kyan Totem Pole. The totem pole was carved in 1993 and is the replica of a pole raised in 1898 for a Tlingit chief.
About ten minutes up the road is the fish ladder. This is where the salmon struggle back to their native streambed, fighting lower falls and then using a concrete fish ladder to avoid the roughest white water. We continued to walk down the stream looking at the salmon jumping out of the water.
As we got down to the end of the stream, we entered into Creek Street Historic District. This is where the red-light district was back in 1902. There were more than 30 houses of "working girls" in this area. Bootleggers rowed into this area at night to deliver booze. The city outlawed prostitution in 1953 and the Creek Street became a residential and commercial area.
Our morning was filled with lots of walking. Getting hungry, we located a restaurant "Ketchikan Crab & Grill", which was close to the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center. The Discovery Center provides exhibits and activities about the ecology, economy and culture of southeast Alaska and its temperate rainforest ecosystems. The restaurant was very busy. They had two seats available at the bar and we sat there. Our seats were where the orders were being placed. It was very entertaining watching the manager make sure that all the orders were filled and everything was coming out in a timely manner. In talking with the manager, we found out that this restaurant is only opened from the first of May to the end of September. This is when the cruise ships are in town. The manager lives in Florida during those months that the restaurant is closed. By the time that we finished our lunch and started heading back to our ship, the town was definitely buzzing. All five cruise ships were in town. I would say that these five cruise ships had approximately 16,000 passengers on board. As soon as the ships head out back to sea, all these shops and restaurants close for the day.
This small town does have three grocery stores. One of the supermakets, Tatsuda's, has been in operation for over 100 years. At 18 years old, Kichirobei "Jimmie" Tatsuda, left his home in Yawatahma, Japan for America in search of new opportunities and adventure. He settled in Ketchikan and did odd jobs. He eventually opened up the grocery store. When WWII came about and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Jimmie and his family were placed in a camp. The community of Ketchikan kept the grocery store going. When the war was over and Jimmie and his family returned back to Ketchikan, the people handed over the keys and every penny that was made during that time. The Tatsuda family have always been grateful for all that the community did for them during this time.
There is so much more to do, such as attending the Lumberjack Show; taking a sea-plane into the Misty Fjords National Monument and exploring the Rainforest Sanctuary. You definitely want to get off the ship when you get to Ketchikan.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
North to Alaska
As I stepped onto the ship, a smile was on my face as I realized that I was finally going to see Alaska.
When you think of Alaska, what do you think of? I think of bears, moose, whales, salmon, glaciers, mountains and lots of lakes. Any photo that I have ever seen of Alaska has been spectacular. Everyone that I have spoken to about Alaska, has had nothing put wonderful things to say about this great state.
Part of the excitement is knowing that after this trip, I will have stepped foot onto all 50 states of the United States. Alaska is such a huge state. You could fit Texas into Alaska two times and the population is only around 740,000. It is ranked 48th in population with Vermont at 624,000 and Wyoming at 580,000.
The capital of Alaska is Juneau. The original capital was Sitka. In 1906, the capital was moved to Juneau because the gold rush had made it much more economically significant than Sitka. On October 18, 1867, the Russians handed over Alaska to the United States at a ceremony in Sitka. It had been the capital of Russian America since 1808.
Some interesting facts about Alaska. Russia controlled most of the area that is now Alaska from the late 1700s until 1867, when it was purchased by U.S. Secretary of State William Seward for $7.2 million or about two cents an acre. In 1942, two of the outer Aleutian Islands(Attu and Kiska) were occupied by the Japanese during WWII and their recovery for the U.S. became a matter of national pride.
The state bird of Alaska is the willow ptarmigan. The state flower is forget-me-not. State sport is dog mushing.
Anchorage, Alaska has a subartic climate . The average daytime summer temperatures range from approximately 55 to 78 degrees F, and the average daytime winter temperatures are about 5 to 30 degrees F.
Interesting facts about daylight. Even though residents of Barrow(the northernmost town in Alaska), will not see the sun for 67 days winter, they will enjoy the midnight sun all summer, over 80 days of uninterrupted daylight. On the shortest day of the year(December 21st), Juneau's sunrise is at 8:45 am and sunset is at 3:07 pm.
The places that we will be visiting in Alaska will be Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Anchorage and Denali National Park. I look forward to sharing my photos and adventures!
When you think of Alaska, what do you think of? I think of bears, moose, whales, salmon, glaciers, mountains and lots of lakes. Any photo that I have ever seen of Alaska has been spectacular. Everyone that I have spoken to about Alaska, has had nothing put wonderful things to say about this great state.
Part of the excitement is knowing that after this trip, I will have stepped foot onto all 50 states of the United States. Alaska is such a huge state. You could fit Texas into Alaska two times and the population is only around 740,000. It is ranked 48th in population with Vermont at 624,000 and Wyoming at 580,000.
The capital of Alaska is Juneau. The original capital was Sitka. In 1906, the capital was moved to Juneau because the gold rush had made it much more economically significant than Sitka. On October 18, 1867, the Russians handed over Alaska to the United States at a ceremony in Sitka. It had been the capital of Russian America since 1808.
Some interesting facts about Alaska. Russia controlled most of the area that is now Alaska from the late 1700s until 1867, when it was purchased by U.S. Secretary of State William Seward for $7.2 million or about two cents an acre. In 1942, two of the outer Aleutian Islands(Attu and Kiska) were occupied by the Japanese during WWII and their recovery for the U.S. became a matter of national pride.
The state bird of Alaska is the willow ptarmigan. The state flower is forget-me-not. State sport is dog mushing.
Anchorage, Alaska has a subartic climate . The average daytime summer temperatures range from approximately 55 to 78 degrees F, and the average daytime winter temperatures are about 5 to 30 degrees F.
Interesting facts about daylight. Even though residents of Barrow(the northernmost town in Alaska), will not see the sun for 67 days winter, they will enjoy the midnight sun all summer, over 80 days of uninterrupted daylight. On the shortest day of the year(December 21st), Juneau's sunrise is at 8:45 am and sunset is at 3:07 pm.
The places that we will be visiting in Alaska will be Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Anchorage and Denali National Park. I look forward to sharing my photos and adventures!
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Proverbs 13 = Guarding Your Lips
As I begin reading Proverbs 13, I realize that as I read these verses, I have read them in the chapters before. These verses are just expressed in a different way. What is God trying to tell me?
I have read in several chapters about my lips, my tongue and words that I say to others. A wise person controls their tongue.
Proverbs 13:3 says "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin." Our words can either cut and destroy or they can encourage and express love. What we say represents how we have self-control over our lives. We all know people that explode with harsh words when someone does something to them or says something that they don't agree with. When one is wise, one knows how to handle situations. Do you control your tongue? Or do you just spit out words to get back to others? Stop and think before you react or speak. If you can control your tongue, then you will be able to control other issues in your life.
Even James 3:5 says "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark." So true. We have all heard stories of how someone threw out a cigarette as they drove through a forest and that one cigarette destroyed the surroundings of the forest.
Just remember that is the same situation with our tongue. One hateful word can destroy a friendship or a family. What type of tongue do you have? Is it controlling and/or caring or is it conniving and/or careless?
Also, Proverbs 13 talks about "He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded." God wants us to listen to his instructions and do what he says. The Bible is the manual for our life, just like our owner manual for our car instructs us on how to use everything in the car. If a red light comes on in our car, we go to the manual to find out what is wrong and how we need to correct it. The Bible does that for us. If we would read it and obey the instructions, then we wouldn't have so many issues in our own lives.
Proverbs 13 discussed so much more. At this time, God is expressing to me that I need to be careful what I say and to listen to God's word. As a friend always says "God gave us one mouth and two ears." With the two ears, God wants me to listen at what He says!
I have read in several chapters about my lips, my tongue and words that I say to others. A wise person controls their tongue.
Proverbs 13:3 says "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin." Our words can either cut and destroy or they can encourage and express love. What we say represents how we have self-control over our lives. We all know people that explode with harsh words when someone does something to them or says something that they don't agree with. When one is wise, one knows how to handle situations. Do you control your tongue? Or do you just spit out words to get back to others? Stop and think before you react or speak. If you can control your tongue, then you will be able to control other issues in your life.
Even James 3:5 says "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark." So true. We have all heard stories of how someone threw out a cigarette as they drove through a forest and that one cigarette destroyed the surroundings of the forest.
Just remember that is the same situation with our tongue. One hateful word can destroy a friendship or a family. What type of tongue do you have? Is it controlling and/or caring or is it conniving and/or careless?
Also, Proverbs 13 talks about "He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded." God wants us to listen to his instructions and do what he says. The Bible is the manual for our life, just like our owner manual for our car instructs us on how to use everything in the car. If a red light comes on in our car, we go to the manual to find out what is wrong and how we need to correct it. The Bible does that for us. If we would read it and obey the instructions, then we wouldn't have so many issues in our own lives.
Proverbs 13 discussed so much more. At this time, God is expressing to me that I need to be careful what I say and to listen to God's word. As a friend always says "God gave us one mouth and two ears." With the two ears, God wants me to listen at what He says!
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Cross the Brazos at Waco
"Cross the Brazos at Waco" is a country music song sung by Billy Walker. I have heard this song many a times growing up. When I think of Waco, I think of the Brazos River.
I first crossed the Brazos in Waco in February 1959. At the age of five, my mom had remarried a man from Waco. So she packed my sister and I up in her 1955 Chevrolet and moved us to Waco, Texas.
Growing up in Waco, I learned a lot about the history of Waco and all about the different landmarks throughout this city. It was only about six years ago that Waco was finally being recognized as a nice town to raise a family. Most people remember Waco from the Branch Davidians incident in 1993.
The year 2013 changed Waco with the HGTV program "Fixer Upper". This was an American reality television series about home design and renovation starring Chip and Joanna Gaines. This show aired from May 2013 to November 2017. The personalities of Chip and Joanna made the show. Since the TV program, the Gaines have created Magnolia Market at the Silos, the Silos Bakery, the restaurant "Magnolia Table" and so much more. Because of their popularity, it has given other individuals opportunities to create their own businesses within Waco. Two of the main characters on "Fixer Upper" that assisted Chip and Joanna with the renovations were Clint Harp(popular craftsman) and Jimmy Don Holme(metal designs). These two men have opened up shops in the Waco area.
People have traveled throughout the world to tour Magnolia Market and to find out about the city of Waco.
What some people don't realize that there is so much more to discover within Waco than Magnolia Market. I would like to take you on a tour.
Let me share some history of Waco. It was founded in 1849 on the site of a Waco(Hueco) Indian village near a Texas Ranger fort(1837) in a farming and plantation area. After the American Civil War, Waco became a river-bridge crossing on cattle trails. Later its economy was based almost exclusively on cotton and the coming of the railroad(1881). WWII brought two large air-force installations(now closed) and the beginning of industrialization. A violent tornado devastated Waco on May 11, 1953, killing 114 people.
Waco has three universities:
1. Baylor University, which was founded in 1845. It is the oldest continuously operating university in Texas. The enrollment is approximately 17,217. My sister attended this beautiful campus with huge trees and unique architecture buildings from 1975 to 1978 and received her Business Degree.
2. McLennan Community College(MCC), founded in 1965. Enrollment is approximately about 9,000. I went to MCC from 1972 to 1974 and obtained my Associate Arts Degree.
3. Texas State Technical College, founded in 1965, with enrollment at 4,100.
First Baptist Church is across the street from Magnolia Market. This spectacular church(built in 1907) with the dome architect and beautiful stained glass windows was where I attended church. I thought all churches had large stained glass windows.
There is the Dr Pepper Museum which is down the street from Magnolia Market. This has history and memorabilla of soft drinks in the 1906 bottling plant. It is the oldest major manufacturer of soft drinks concentrates and syrup in the United States. Dr Pepper is America's unique flavor and was created, manufactured and sold beginning in 1885 in Waco. In 1904, Dr Pepper was introduced to almost 20 million people attending the 1904 World's Fair Exposition in St. Louis.
The Suspension Bridge which crosses the Brazos at Waco was completed in 1870. It was the only suspension bridge west of the Mississippi. Waco, Texas was the proud owner of a bridge that would be the forerunner to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, both to be designed by John A. Roebling. Magnolia Markets hosts the Silo District Marathon each year. The Suspension Bridge is part of the route for the 5k.
A few blocks from the Suspension Bridge is the Alico Building, which was built in 1910. In 1909, an insurance company was formed that embarked on a mission of which changed the face and skyline of Waco, Texas. The Alico Building was a pioneer in the quest of the latest up-to-date technology in building construction to be taken to the outer edges of Western civilization that would withstand the test of time. When it was built, it was the tallest building West of the Mississippi and South of the Mason-Dixie Line until 1929. It withstood the tornado that devastated Waco in 1953. Today at 282 feet tall(22-story office), it is currently the tallest building located in Waco.
On the banks of the Brazos River is the Texas Rangers Museum. There are artifacts, artwork and archives relating to the Texas Rangers(a legendary symbol of Texas and the American West). The rangers were founded in 1823 to protect the settlers. It is the oldest law enforcement agency in North America.
A few blocks away from Baylor Campus is the Baylor Mayborn Museum, a Natural History Museum.
For those individuals that enjoy poetry, there is the Armstrong Browning Library on Baylor campus. This museum is dedicated to the study of the lives and works of Victorian poets Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning and houses the largest collection of Browning material and other fine collections of rare 19th century books, manuscripts and works of art.
For those who enjoy nature, there is Cameron Park. It is one of the largest municipal parks in Texas. More than 100 years ago, William Cameron donated the park to Waco. The park is an oasis with towering trees, two rivers(Brazos and Bosque Rivers), breathtaking cliffs and a National Recreation Trail System which consist of 20 miles for bicycling and hiking. The 400 acres park has always been used for parties, festival and sports. I have fond memories of having church picnics there, as well as high school reunions. The park offers "Jacob's Ladder and Rock Shelter". This was supposedly built in the early 1900's by a family living at the top of the bluff. The aged structure is still usable because of its periodic renovations and now includes nearly 100 zigzagging steps to the top.
Driving through the park, one of the beautiful cliffs to visit is Lovers Leap. One of the many legends of this cliff, is that a young Indian couple from different tribes wanted to get married. There family did not approve of the marriage. They wanted to be together forever so they jumped to their death from the top of the cliff.
Within Cameron Park is the Cameron Park Zoo. This is an award-winning natural habitat facility that is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Visitors can explore the Asian Forest, experience the African Savannah and its 50,000 gallon saltwater aquarium. When I am in town, I love taking my nephew and niece to the park to enjoy the tigers, lions, elephants, giraffes and so much more.
In elementary school some of the field trips that we would take would be to tour the Historic Homes. Earle-Napier-Kinnard House was built in 1868 with a Greek Revival Style. The McCullough Home, also with the Greek style, was built in 1866.
The East Terrace((Italianate style of architecture), which is located on the Brazos River, was built in 1874. With the East Terrace so close to the river, it flooded many times. Once the water rose as high as four feet in the residence's ground floor. The story is that the water rose so high and the family rescued one of their cows and had it in the boat with them.
The Fort House(Greek Revival style) was built in 1868. This house is located about 2 blocks from Magnolia Market. The Gaines have purchased this house. It will be interesting to see what they do with it.
Another spectacular site is that Lake Waco is a reservoir located within the city limits of Waco. The construction of this lake began in June 1958 and the impoundment of water began February 1965. What is so nice about Lake Waco is that the residents can be at the lake within five to 10 minutes. If you lived on the further side of Waco, it could take you 15 minutes. I have fond memories of the lake. In the spring of 1966, dad would take us fishing and the crappie fish were biting. We caught about fifty crappies within an hour. Dad would bait our hook and we would put the hook in the water and the fish would bite. Growing up, I thought all cities had a lake right in the middle of town.
In February 2019, the Gaines also purchased a gorgeous historic home called Cottonland Castle. The Castle was built in 1906. Just like the royalty in England, the Gaines now have their own Castle in Waco, Texas. I have such fond memories of the Castle. In 1970, some good friends of the family purchased the Castle and renovated the house. It was interesting to watch all the renovations that took place. Part of the renovation was adding a swimming pool and pool house. I went to many parties there at the Castle in the early 70s.
I could go on and on and on about the many interesting landmarks throughout Waco. Due to the popularity of the Gaines, there have been new landmarks such as the various murals throughout the city. At one of the well known restaurants, George's, there is a unique mural of famous Georges. The Georges are President George Washington, President George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush, George Strait(country western singer), George Foreman(boxer) and the George Lopez(comedian/actor). On another building, there is the Van Gogh inspired "Starry Night" mural. At this time, there are about fourteen more throughout the city. Every time I visit Waco, I discover another mural.
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of Waco, Texas. It was a delight to share some of my growing up experiences with you.
I first crossed the Brazos in Waco in February 1959. At the age of five, my mom had remarried a man from Waco. So she packed my sister and I up in her 1955 Chevrolet and moved us to Waco, Texas.
Growing up in Waco, I learned a lot about the history of Waco and all about the different landmarks throughout this city. It was only about six years ago that Waco was finally being recognized as a nice town to raise a family. Most people remember Waco from the Branch Davidians incident in 1993.
The year 2013 changed Waco with the HGTV program "Fixer Upper". This was an American reality television series about home design and renovation starring Chip and Joanna Gaines. This show aired from May 2013 to November 2017. The personalities of Chip and Joanna made the show. Since the TV program, the Gaines have created Magnolia Market at the Silos, the Silos Bakery, the restaurant "Magnolia Table" and so much more. Because of their popularity, it has given other individuals opportunities to create their own businesses within Waco. Two of the main characters on "Fixer Upper" that assisted Chip and Joanna with the renovations were Clint Harp(popular craftsman) and Jimmy Don Holme(metal designs). These two men have opened up shops in the Waco area.
People have traveled throughout the world to tour Magnolia Market and to find out about the city of Waco.
What some people don't realize that there is so much more to discover within Waco than Magnolia Market. I would like to take you on a tour.
Let me share some history of Waco. It was founded in 1849 on the site of a Waco(Hueco) Indian village near a Texas Ranger fort(1837) in a farming and plantation area. After the American Civil War, Waco became a river-bridge crossing on cattle trails. Later its economy was based almost exclusively on cotton and the coming of the railroad(1881). WWII brought two large air-force installations(now closed) and the beginning of industrialization. A violent tornado devastated Waco on May 11, 1953, killing 114 people.
Waco has three universities:
1. Baylor University, which was founded in 1845. It is the oldest continuously operating university in Texas. The enrollment is approximately 17,217. My sister attended this beautiful campus with huge trees and unique architecture buildings from 1975 to 1978 and received her Business Degree.
2. McLennan Community College(MCC), founded in 1965. Enrollment is approximately about 9,000. I went to MCC from 1972 to 1974 and obtained my Associate Arts Degree.
3. Texas State Technical College, founded in 1965, with enrollment at 4,100.
First Baptist Church is across the street from Magnolia Market. This spectacular church(built in 1907) with the dome architect and beautiful stained glass windows was where I attended church. I thought all churches had large stained glass windows.
There is the Dr Pepper Museum which is down the street from Magnolia Market. This has history and memorabilla of soft drinks in the 1906 bottling plant. It is the oldest major manufacturer of soft drinks concentrates and syrup in the United States. Dr Pepper is America's unique flavor and was created, manufactured and sold beginning in 1885 in Waco. In 1904, Dr Pepper was introduced to almost 20 million people attending the 1904 World's Fair Exposition in St. Louis.
The Suspension Bridge which crosses the Brazos at Waco was completed in 1870. It was the only suspension bridge west of the Mississippi. Waco, Texas was the proud owner of a bridge that would be the forerunner to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, both to be designed by John A. Roebling. Magnolia Markets hosts the Silo District Marathon each year. The Suspension Bridge is part of the route for the 5k.
A few blocks from the Suspension Bridge is the Alico Building, which was built in 1910. In 1909, an insurance company was formed that embarked on a mission of which changed the face and skyline of Waco, Texas. The Alico Building was a pioneer in the quest of the latest up-to-date technology in building construction to be taken to the outer edges of Western civilization that would withstand the test of time. When it was built, it was the tallest building West of the Mississippi and South of the Mason-Dixie Line until 1929. It withstood the tornado that devastated Waco in 1953. Today at 282 feet tall(22-story office), it is currently the tallest building located in Waco.
On the banks of the Brazos River is the Texas Rangers Museum. There are artifacts, artwork and archives relating to the Texas Rangers(a legendary symbol of Texas and the American West). The rangers were founded in 1823 to protect the settlers. It is the oldest law enforcement agency in North America.
A few blocks away from Baylor Campus is the Baylor Mayborn Museum, a Natural History Museum.
For those individuals that enjoy poetry, there is the Armstrong Browning Library on Baylor campus. This museum is dedicated to the study of the lives and works of Victorian poets Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning and houses the largest collection of Browning material and other fine collections of rare 19th century books, manuscripts and works of art.
For those who enjoy nature, there is Cameron Park. It is one of the largest municipal parks in Texas. More than 100 years ago, William Cameron donated the park to Waco. The park is an oasis with towering trees, two rivers(Brazos and Bosque Rivers), breathtaking cliffs and a National Recreation Trail System which consist of 20 miles for bicycling and hiking. The 400 acres park has always been used for parties, festival and sports. I have fond memories of having church picnics there, as well as high school reunions. The park offers "Jacob's Ladder and Rock Shelter". This was supposedly built in the early 1900's by a family living at the top of the bluff. The aged structure is still usable because of its periodic renovations and now includes nearly 100 zigzagging steps to the top.
Driving through the park, one of the beautiful cliffs to visit is Lovers Leap. One of the many legends of this cliff, is that a young Indian couple from different tribes wanted to get married. There family did not approve of the marriage. They wanted to be together forever so they jumped to their death from the top of the cliff.
Within Cameron Park is the Cameron Park Zoo. This is an award-winning natural habitat facility that is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Visitors can explore the Asian Forest, experience the African Savannah and its 50,000 gallon saltwater aquarium. When I am in town, I love taking my nephew and niece to the park to enjoy the tigers, lions, elephants, giraffes and so much more.
In elementary school some of the field trips that we would take would be to tour the Historic Homes. Earle-Napier-Kinnard House was built in 1868 with a Greek Revival Style. The McCullough Home, also with the Greek style, was built in 1866.
The East Terrace((Italianate style of architecture), which is located on the Brazos River, was built in 1874. With the East Terrace so close to the river, it flooded many times. Once the water rose as high as four feet in the residence's ground floor. The story is that the water rose so high and the family rescued one of their cows and had it in the boat with them.
The Fort House(Greek Revival style) was built in 1868. This house is located about 2 blocks from Magnolia Market. The Gaines have purchased this house. It will be interesting to see what they do with it.
Another spectacular site is that Lake Waco is a reservoir located within the city limits of Waco. The construction of this lake began in June 1958 and the impoundment of water began February 1965. What is so nice about Lake Waco is that the residents can be at the lake within five to 10 minutes. If you lived on the further side of Waco, it could take you 15 minutes. I have fond memories of the lake. In the spring of 1966, dad would take us fishing and the crappie fish were biting. We caught about fifty crappies within an hour. Dad would bait our hook and we would put the hook in the water and the fish would bite. Growing up, I thought all cities had a lake right in the middle of town.
In February 2019, the Gaines also purchased a gorgeous historic home called Cottonland Castle. The Castle was built in 1906. Just like the royalty in England, the Gaines now have their own Castle in Waco, Texas. I have such fond memories of the Castle. In 1970, some good friends of the family purchased the Castle and renovated the house. It was interesting to watch all the renovations that took place. Part of the renovation was adding a swimming pool and pool house. I went to many parties there at the Castle in the early 70s.
I could go on and on and on about the many interesting landmarks throughout Waco. Due to the popularity of the Gaines, there have been new landmarks such as the various murals throughout the city. At one of the well known restaurants, George's, there is a unique mural of famous Georges. The Georges are President George Washington, President George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush, George Strait(country western singer), George Foreman(boxer) and the George Lopez(comedian/actor). On another building, there is the Van Gogh inspired "Starry Night" mural. At this time, there are about fourteen more throughout the city. Every time I visit Waco, I discover another mural.
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of Waco, Texas. It was a delight to share some of my growing up experiences with you.
Starry Night
George's Restaurant
Alico Building
Suspension Bridge
Silos in the early morning
First Baptist Church
Proverbs 12 = Wise Learners
As I continue to read Proverbs, I am in awe of all the common sense that proverbs teaches you. Proverbs is concerned with the learning of wisdom. You either want to become a wise learner or you refuse to learn and become a foolish failure. The best direction in life is to make the right choices.
Proverbs 12:1, "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." If you want to be taught, the sky is the limit. If you don't want to learn, then all the years of schooling will teach you nothing. So many people go through life and never listen to the wise teachers. This verse is not talking about physically punishing someone, but using discipline in a constructive way. Knowledge is gaining facts, information and skills through experience and/or education. A person who refuses constructive criticism has a problem with pride. When we have pride in our lives, we aren't willing to listen to others. Once again, the choice is yours!
Proverbs 12:19, "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment." Truth is "something that has been proven by facts or sincerity."
Tom Hanks said this about truth, "truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candour."
The truth is that the Bible has withstood the test of time. Because God is truth, you can trust his Word to guide you. No one trusts a person who doesn't speak the truth.
There are twenty-eight verses in Proverbs 12. So much knowledge and truth to read about.
Take the time to read this chapter and to allow God to speak to you and to show you what He wants you to learn.
Proverbs 12:1, "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." If you want to be taught, the sky is the limit. If you don't want to learn, then all the years of schooling will teach you nothing. So many people go through life and never listen to the wise teachers. This verse is not talking about physically punishing someone, but using discipline in a constructive way. Knowledge is gaining facts, information and skills through experience and/or education. A person who refuses constructive criticism has a problem with pride. When we have pride in our lives, we aren't willing to listen to others. Once again, the choice is yours!
Proverbs 12:19, "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment." Truth is "something that has been proven by facts or sincerity."
Tom Hanks said this about truth, "truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candour."
The truth is that the Bible has withstood the test of time. Because God is truth, you can trust his Word to guide you. No one trusts a person who doesn't speak the truth.
There are twenty-eight verses in Proverbs 12. So much knowledge and truth to read about.
Take the time to read this chapter and to allow God to speak to you and to show you what He wants you to learn.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Proverbs 11 = Righteousness
Proverbs 11 talks a lot about being righteous. Webster says that righteous means "acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin". Some synonyms of righteous are decent, ethical, good, honest, honorable, moral, true, virtuous and so much more.
The antonyms of righteous are bad, dishonest, evil, immoral, unethical, wicked, wrong,,,,,
Proverbs 11:5, "The righteous of the blameless makes a straight way for them, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness."
Proverbs 11:8, "The righteous man is rescued from trouble, and it comes on the wicked instead."
Proverbs 11:19, "The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil goes to his death."
Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he who wins souls is wise."
Being righteous doesn't mean that you will be excluded from problems or struggles. If you allow God's wisdom to be a part of your life, then God can rescue you from these troubles. We will suffer, but we have hope in knowing that God is with us and that we will have eternal life.
As we have discussed, our mouths can be used as a weapon to destroy people or a tool to encourage others. How will you use your words? Will you be the one who shares a meaningful life or the one who destroys one's soul?
By being righteous, you will be in touch with God and you will understand what it means to be faithful.
Wisdom is so much more than being smart, it is all about understanding what God wants you to do with your life.
As I look at the hot air balloon displayed on my porch as it twirls with the wind, I know that I want the Lord to fill me with Him so that I can spin about life sharing the wisdom that has been given to me.
The antonyms of righteous are bad, dishonest, evil, immoral, unethical, wicked, wrong,,,,,
Proverbs 11:5, "The righteous of the blameless makes a straight way for them, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness."
Proverbs 11:8, "The righteous man is rescued from trouble, and it comes on the wicked instead."
Proverbs 11:19, "The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil goes to his death."
Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he who wins souls is wise."
Being righteous doesn't mean that you will be excluded from problems or struggles. If you allow God's wisdom to be a part of your life, then God can rescue you from these troubles. We will suffer, but we have hope in knowing that God is with us and that we will have eternal life.
As we have discussed, our mouths can be used as a weapon to destroy people or a tool to encourage others. How will you use your words? Will you be the one who shares a meaningful life or the one who destroys one's soul?
By being righteous, you will be in touch with God and you will understand what it means to be faithful.
Wisdom is so much more than being smart, it is all about understanding what God wants you to do with your life.
As I look at the hot air balloon displayed on my porch as it twirls with the wind, I know that I want the Lord to fill me with Him so that I can spin about life sharing the wisdom that has been given to me.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Magnolia Market at the Silos/Fixer Upper
I love Texas! Texas is home to me. Even though I don't live there at this time, I head back to Texas every few months to see family and friends.
Last week I was in Waco, Texas to visit my parents. Every time that I am in Waco, my eighty-four year old mother wants to head over to the Magnolia Market to see what is happening. For those who do not know about Magnolia Market, it is a retail store created by Wacoans Chip and Joanna Gaines. They are the couple that created "Fixer Upper"on HGTV. It was a series that ran for about three years. Chip and Joanna remodeled homes for couples and individuals that were wanting to purchase a home in the Waco area. Joanna has the vision to preserve and highlight the character of each home. Chip goes in and reconstructs Joanna's vision.
"Fixer Upper" put Chip and Joanna and Waco on the map. Waco is now a destination for so many people throughout the world. One day, mom and I were at Magnolia and there was a young lady with family and friends from Colorado and Kansas. They were having her Bridal Party at Magnolia. On that same day, there was a young lady getting food from one of the food trucks. She was from California and was celebrating her 30th birthday in Waco, Texas. I chuckled at the thought of Waco being a place of destination. I graduated from high school in Waco in 1972 and I could hardly wait to leave.
With Waco now being a place that people want to visit, every time I am back in Waco, I have friends that want to come visit me. Everybody wants to come to Magnolia Market. So last week, some friends from Tyler drove over and met mom and I at the Silos That particular day, it was about 100 degrees with the heat index around 110. It is amazing the things that we will do.
Even with the heat, the market was crowded and there were children and families playing soccer, bean bags, etc out on the lawn.
Mom and I and my friends sat at a small round table with a huge umbrella with a mist of water in the air. We enjoyed eating sandwiches from one of the food trucks as well as enjoying a 16 oz mason jar filled with Alabama Sweet Tea and ice. We finished our meal with a delicious cupcake from the Silos Bakery.
The landmark for Magnolia Market are the silos. These two 120-foot-tall-silos were completed in 1950. Waco owed a great portion of its success to the cotton industry. In 1900, cottonseed was second to lumber. These silos have remained even when cotton was no longer in demand. Chip and Joanna love to take old homes and restore them back to life. This is what they have done with the Silos. These silos have been empty since the late 50s. Who knows why these silos were never taken down? Here we are almost seventy years later and these silos are now once again a part of something great in Waco, Texas.
Take out your "Bucket List" and put "Magnolia Market at the Silos" on that list. You will be glad you took the time to visit this cute city and discover everything that it has to offer.
Last week I was in Waco, Texas to visit my parents. Every time that I am in Waco, my eighty-four year old mother wants to head over to the Magnolia Market to see what is happening. For those who do not know about Magnolia Market, it is a retail store created by Wacoans Chip and Joanna Gaines. They are the couple that created "Fixer Upper"on HGTV. It was a series that ran for about three years. Chip and Joanna remodeled homes for couples and individuals that were wanting to purchase a home in the Waco area. Joanna has the vision to preserve and highlight the character of each home. Chip goes in and reconstructs Joanna's vision.
"Fixer Upper" put Chip and Joanna and Waco on the map. Waco is now a destination for so many people throughout the world. One day, mom and I were at Magnolia and there was a young lady with family and friends from Colorado and Kansas. They were having her Bridal Party at Magnolia. On that same day, there was a young lady getting food from one of the food trucks. She was from California and was celebrating her 30th birthday in Waco, Texas. I chuckled at the thought of Waco being a place of destination. I graduated from high school in Waco in 1972 and I could hardly wait to leave.
With Waco now being a place that people want to visit, every time I am back in Waco, I have friends that want to come visit me. Everybody wants to come to Magnolia Market. So last week, some friends from Tyler drove over and met mom and I at the Silos That particular day, it was about 100 degrees with the heat index around 110. It is amazing the things that we will do.
Even with the heat, the market was crowded and there were children and families playing soccer, bean bags, etc out on the lawn.
Mom and I and my friends sat at a small round table with a huge umbrella with a mist of water in the air. We enjoyed eating sandwiches from one of the food trucks as well as enjoying a 16 oz mason jar filled with Alabama Sweet Tea and ice. We finished our meal with a delicious cupcake from the Silos Bakery.
The landmark for Magnolia Market are the silos. These two 120-foot-tall-silos were completed in 1950. Waco owed a great portion of its success to the cotton industry. In 1900, cottonseed was second to lumber. These silos have remained even when cotton was no longer in demand. Chip and Joanna love to take old homes and restore them back to life. This is what they have done with the Silos. These silos have been empty since the late 50s. Who knows why these silos were never taken down? Here we are almost seventy years later and these silos are now once again a part of something great in Waco, Texas.
Take out your "Bucket List" and put "Magnolia Market at the Silos" on that list. You will be glad you took the time to visit this cute city and discover everything that it has to offer.
Proverbs 10 = Finishing Strong
The next 14 chapters(Proverbs 10 - Proverbs 24) are written by other individuals, but were collected by Solomon. These chapters will give each person practical wisdom so that they can enjoy each stage of their life.
As I read Proverbs 10, I am reflecting on my own life and my own walk. How do others see me? Will I finish my life strong? Will I keep my faith? Will I have encouraged others to make the best choice in their own life?
Within the past week, I have talked with several friends who have lost loved ones. One friend, her mother was in her 90s and has been in poor health for a while; another good friend lost a cousin, who was 65, to cancer and one of my cousin's forty-seven year old son died due to heart issues. Each person was at a different stage in life, but they each have left a mark on this earth.
Proverbs 10:2, "Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death." Some people do bring unhappiness on themselves. How sad to think that you are alive, but dead due to your own unhappiness.
The rest of Proverbs 10 contrasts the righteous person with the wicked. How are we using the life that has been given to us? Are we wasting it away and letting life slip away? Each day is a gift from God and we need to seize the opportunities to live life for Him.
Proverbs 10:20, "The tongue of the righteous is a choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value." As we all know, our tongue can be our worst enemy? How do we speak to others? Are we being honest? Are we speaking the truth? Are you listening to others, as they speak words of wisdom to you? "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom..." Proverbs 10:31.
With wisdom and insight, one does not dread death because we know that there is eternal life. But the wicked person dreads death because he/she does not believe in an eternal life. Due to their uncertainty to life, there is no hope.
As we read through Proverbs, we are given a choice. You can live in fear and reject God or you can accept God and follow him. The choice is yours!
My life has eternity written all over it. With the wisdom that God has given me, I will "finish strong"!
As I read Proverbs 10, I am reflecting on my own life and my own walk. How do others see me? Will I finish my life strong? Will I keep my faith? Will I have encouraged others to make the best choice in their own life?
Within the past week, I have talked with several friends who have lost loved ones. One friend, her mother was in her 90s and has been in poor health for a while; another good friend lost a cousin, who was 65, to cancer and one of my cousin's forty-seven year old son died due to heart issues. Each person was at a different stage in life, but they each have left a mark on this earth.
Proverbs 10:2, "Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death." Some people do bring unhappiness on themselves. How sad to think that you are alive, but dead due to your own unhappiness.
The rest of Proverbs 10 contrasts the righteous person with the wicked. How are we using the life that has been given to us? Are we wasting it away and letting life slip away? Each day is a gift from God and we need to seize the opportunities to live life for Him.
Proverbs 10:20, "The tongue of the righteous is a choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value." As we all know, our tongue can be our worst enemy? How do we speak to others? Are we being honest? Are we speaking the truth? Are you listening to others, as they speak words of wisdom to you? "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom..." Proverbs 10:31.
With wisdom and insight, one does not dread death because we know that there is eternal life. But the wicked person dreads death because he/she does not believe in an eternal life. Due to their uncertainty to life, there is no hope.
As we read through Proverbs, we are given a choice. You can live in fear and reject God or you can accept God and follow him. The choice is yours!
My life has eternity written all over it. With the wisdom that God has given me, I will "finish strong"!
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Proverbs 9 = Wise vs. Foolish
These eighteen verses say a lot about being wise verses being foolish. Wisdom and folly each prepare a banquet(a feast) to capture the individual. Do one want to be known as a responsible person or do you want to be none as the irresponsible person? Wisdom appeals to the mind and folly to the senses.
As we are searching, we sometimes get sidetracked. Stay on course. As you are searching, begin to think, what do you want the outcome to be. Just remember, the kind of person you want to be will affect every area of your life.
We can all be easily deceived in thinking that the forbidden fruit will give you the everlasting life that you want. That our sinful behavior is more exciting than getting to know God. We sometimes bring unhappiness on ourselves by making bad choices.
The next time you are getting ready to decide if the choice is the best for you, stop and think. Will my decision make me hopeful or fearful; will I be covered with blessings or covered with violence; will others appreciate my choice or will it lead others into sin; will I be rewarded with prosperity or be pursued by misfortune. There are so many other circumstances to consider before making some decisions.
God's choice will give you joy, happiness and life.
There is so much to look at as we make choices.
The choice is yours, do you want to be wise or do you want to be foolish?
As we are searching, we sometimes get sidetracked. Stay on course. As you are searching, begin to think, what do you want the outcome to be. Just remember, the kind of person you want to be will affect every area of your life.
We can all be easily deceived in thinking that the forbidden fruit will give you the everlasting life that you want. That our sinful behavior is more exciting than getting to know God. We sometimes bring unhappiness on ourselves by making bad choices.
The next time you are getting ready to decide if the choice is the best for you, stop and think. Will my decision make me hopeful or fearful; will I be covered with blessings or covered with violence; will others appreciate my choice or will it lead others into sin; will I be rewarded with prosperity or be pursued by misfortune. There are so many other circumstances to consider before making some decisions.
God's choice will give you joy, happiness and life.
There is so much to look at as we make choices.
The choice is yours, do you want to be wise or do you want to be foolish?
Monday, July 29, 2019
Proverbs 8 = Wisdom is Calling
For the past three chapters, Solomon has talked about sin and sexual immorality. That is how Satan calls us to him. God calls us with wisdom. He wants us to be successful and to have the peace, love and joy that we need to enjoy each day.
Remember Proverbs 3:13-15. Wisdom is more important than silver, gold or precious rubies. Proverbs 8:10-11 repeats the verse. "Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." As I look at my diamond/onyx ring and my sapphire ring on my fingers, I see such beauty. And to think wisdom is more beautiful than these stones.
Wisdom is God. Wisdom is the foundation on which our lives are built on. Once again, wisdom is there for us to ask for. James 1:5 states "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." Employ God's wisdom in your daily decisions.
The last two verses sums up Chapter 8. "For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord, but whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.". God's wisdom gives you life. Without God's wisdom comes death. Death refers to the peace and joy that we will not enjoy while we are on this earth.
Wisdom is a gift from God. All we have to do is "ask".
Remember Proverbs 3:13-15. Wisdom is more important than silver, gold or precious rubies. Proverbs 8:10-11 repeats the verse. "Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." As I look at my diamond/onyx ring and my sapphire ring on my fingers, I see such beauty. And to think wisdom is more beautiful than these stones.
Wisdom is God. Wisdom is the foundation on which our lives are built on. Once again, wisdom is there for us to ask for. James 1:5 states "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." Employ God's wisdom in your daily decisions.
The last two verses sums up Chapter 8. "For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord, but whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.". God's wisdom gives you life. Without God's wisdom comes death. Death refers to the peace and joy that we will not enjoy while we are on this earth.
Wisdom is a gift from God. All we have to do is "ask".
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Proverbs 7 = The Immoral Life
Solomon starts chapter 7 with these words "my son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart." Growing up, my parents would give me instructions every time that I left the house. I thought if I hear these instructions one more time, I am going to scream. Now at the age of sixty-five, my parents are still giving me instructions. Just like Solomon, my parents care about what happens to me and sometimes they are the voice of God speaking to me.
Solomon knew his own heart and how God had spoken to him and at times he didn't listen. Solomon wanted his son to understand the ways of the world and that Satan would use whatever tool he could to capture him.
Every one needs a purpose in life. Without a purpose, it is so easy to go down the wrong path. In this chapter, Solomon talks about the adulteress and how she knows what she wants and the person that she can draw into her web. She is dressed beautifully and her words are seductive and smooth. Her strategy is to capture you. Even though, Solomon is talking to his sons; girls and women need to be aware of the entrapment of smooth talking men. Just remember today's thrill may lead to tomorrow's ruin.
What can one due to not be trapped by these seductive women or men? Be careful what you read and look at and don't encourage fantasies that can stimulate the wrong desires. Now days, people need to be careful on what they read on the internet and who they correspond with. There are so many chat rooms that are trying to draw young people into their web.
I know that there are a lot of lonely people out there and they are trying to find love in the "wrong places".
Keep your eyes on the future and be in God's word! Walk away from the darkness and allow your life to shine in God's light.
Solomon knew his own heart and how God had spoken to him and at times he didn't listen. Solomon wanted his son to understand the ways of the world and that Satan would use whatever tool he could to capture him.
Every one needs a purpose in life. Without a purpose, it is so easy to go down the wrong path. In this chapter, Solomon talks about the adulteress and how she knows what she wants and the person that she can draw into her web. She is dressed beautifully and her words are seductive and smooth. Her strategy is to capture you. Even though, Solomon is talking to his sons; girls and women need to be aware of the entrapment of smooth talking men. Just remember today's thrill may lead to tomorrow's ruin.
What can one due to not be trapped by these seductive women or men? Be careful what you read and look at and don't encourage fantasies that can stimulate the wrong desires. Now days, people need to be careful on what they read on the internet and who they correspond with. There are so many chat rooms that are trying to draw young people into their web.
I know that there are a lot of lonely people out there and they are trying to find love in the "wrong places".
Keep your eyes on the future and be in God's word! Walk away from the darkness and allow your life to shine in God's light.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Proverbs 6 = Lack of Good Sense
Proverbs is definitely an instruction manual on how we need to live life. I have only dived into five chapters and I am already thinking how much more can Solomon write about. Those first five chapters have said so much.
Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us the six things that the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him. The things that the Lord hates are haughtiness, lying, murdering, scheming, eagerness to do evil, a false witness and stirring up conflicts.
Solomon talks about how we need to help family and friends and the needy, but we need to be wise so that even our own family does not suffer.
Laziness instead of working. That does not mean that you work 24/7. God also told us to rest. One needs to learn moderation. If someone can physically and mentally work, then they need to and not allow handouts and have someone else take care of them.
The last fifteen verses talks about sexual immorality. It is so easy to be lured into situations. How many times have you thought, I would never do that and then you find yourself in that particular situation. When you are young you think what does it matter if I do something that break's God's law. Nobody will get hurt. In truth, somebody always gets hurts.
My prayer is that you will stop and think of the consequences of any situation that you are confronted with. We have all sinned and will continue to sin. By God's grace, He loves us through everything that we do.
As our relationship grows closer to God, He will continue to give us the wisdom to make the right choices. Ephesian 5:15-16 says "Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Do life God's way so that you will bring honor to Him and that others will continue to know Him.
Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us the six things that the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him. The things that the Lord hates are haughtiness, lying, murdering, scheming, eagerness to do evil, a false witness and stirring up conflicts.
Solomon talks about how we need to help family and friends and the needy, but we need to be wise so that even our own family does not suffer.
Laziness instead of working. That does not mean that you work 24/7. God also told us to rest. One needs to learn moderation. If someone can physically and mentally work, then they need to and not allow handouts and have someone else take care of them.
The last fifteen verses talks about sexual immorality. It is so easy to be lured into situations. How many times have you thought, I would never do that and then you find yourself in that particular situation. When you are young you think what does it matter if I do something that break's God's law. Nobody will get hurt. In truth, somebody always gets hurts.
My prayer is that you will stop and think of the consequences of any situation that you are confronted with. We have all sinned and will continue to sin. By God's grace, He loves us through everything that we do.
As our relationship grows closer to God, He will continue to give us the wisdom to make the right choices. Ephesian 5:15-16 says "Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Do life God's way so that you will bring honor to Him and that others will continue to know Him.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Proverbs 5 = Sexual Immorality
By having wisdom and insight, one will stop and think about their future before making a decision that could ruin their whole life. This chapter talks about how sexual immorality is wrong and it can destroy one's life and one's own family. Sexuality immorality is against God's law, as well as it could lead to diseases, unwanted children and it destroy's your own self-image.
Proverbs 5 discusses about younger years and how one can be lead into sexual immorality. And the chapter also discusses how sexual immorality can ruin your relationship and your marriage to your spouse.
It is interesting to read what are the reasons for divorce. Infidelity is the number one reason for divorce. It normally starts as an innocent friendship which later becomes a physical affair.
One doesn't normally think about how the decision could change us. All one is thinking about the excitement; the flattery one shows you; the satisfaction and our hormones are out of control. It is after we make the decision and follow through with the act that we begin to feel poorly about ourselves and the various consequences.
Verse 21-23 says "For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly."
The commentary said "Real happiness comes when we decide to find pleasure in the relationship God has given or will give us and to commit ourselves to making it pleasurable for our spouse. The real danger is in doubting that God knows and cares for us. We then may resent his timing and carelessly pursue sexual pleasure without his blessing."
For a short chapter, Solomon says a lot about our relationships with others. It is amazing how one little event can change the whole direction of our life.
Proverbs 5 discusses about younger years and how one can be lead into sexual immorality. And the chapter also discusses how sexual immorality can ruin your relationship and your marriage to your spouse.
It is interesting to read what are the reasons for divorce. Infidelity is the number one reason for divorce. It normally starts as an innocent friendship which later becomes a physical affair.
One doesn't normally think about how the decision could change us. All one is thinking about the excitement; the flattery one shows you; the satisfaction and our hormones are out of control. It is after we make the decision and follow through with the act that we begin to feel poorly about ourselves and the various consequences.
Verse 21-23 says "For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly."
The commentary said "Real happiness comes when we decide to find pleasure in the relationship God has given or will give us and to commit ourselves to making it pleasurable for our spouse. The real danger is in doubting that God knows and cares for us. We then may resent his timing and carelessly pursue sexual pleasure without his blessing."
For a short chapter, Solomon says a lot about our relationships with others. It is amazing how one little event can change the whole direction of our life.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Proverbs 4 = Seek Wisdom
Chapter 4 begins with this verse "Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding." One of the greatest responsibilities for a parent is that they give their child guidelines and direction. We are all born with a free will. Unless we have direction, how is one suppose to know what to do.
I have read articles of why kids join gangs. One article stated that "some children and adolescents are motivated to join a gang for a sense of connection or to define a new sense of who they are. Others are motivated by peer pressure." If a child was taught about wisdom and knew about the word of integrity, then I feel that the child would have something to think about before joining a gang. With wisdom, they are beginning to figure out who they are.
Solomon's father, David, encouraged him to seek wisdom when he was young. Wisdom comes from God, but parents can begin to pass it on to their children. If you have been blessed with children, then it is your responsibility to direct them in the right direction.
James 5:1 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without fault and it will be given to him." If no one has shared wisdom with you, then God gives you the opportunity to ask for it. He wants everyone to have wisdom so that they can enjoy their daily walk with Him.
Verses 13 through 19, talks about the wicked and how easily we are led astray. I for one have walked the path of wickedness. A path that gave me heartache. The things we do to be accepted, even though we know it isn't a wise choice.
Verse 23 tells us to guard our heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Seek what will keep you on the right path. When you have goals, direction and commitment to something, then it is so much easier to say "no" to something that is not the best for us.
Once again, what path are you going to take? Are you going down the path of destruction or are you going to choose the path of integrity and seeking wisdom? The choice is yours.
I have read articles of why kids join gangs. One article stated that "some children and adolescents are motivated to join a gang for a sense of connection or to define a new sense of who they are. Others are motivated by peer pressure." If a child was taught about wisdom and knew about the word of integrity, then I feel that the child would have something to think about before joining a gang. With wisdom, they are beginning to figure out who they are.
Solomon's father, David, encouraged him to seek wisdom when he was young. Wisdom comes from God, but parents can begin to pass it on to their children. If you have been blessed with children, then it is your responsibility to direct them in the right direction.
James 5:1 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without fault and it will be given to him." If no one has shared wisdom with you, then God gives you the opportunity to ask for it. He wants everyone to have wisdom so that they can enjoy their daily walk with Him.
Verses 13 through 19, talks about the wicked and how easily we are led astray. I for one have walked the path of wickedness. A path that gave me heartache. The things we do to be accepted, even though we know it isn't a wise choice.
Verse 23 tells us to guard our heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Seek what will keep you on the right path. When you have goals, direction and commitment to something, then it is so much easier to say "no" to something that is not the best for us.
Once again, what path are you going to take? Are you going down the path of destruction or are you going to choose the path of integrity and seeking wisdom? The choice is yours.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Proverbs 3 = Benefits of Wisdom
When I read Chapter 3, the verse that always stands out for me is Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
In my late 20s and early 30s, I was single and I was always trying to make ends meet. I was faithful in paying my bills and trying not to be in debt. I wanted to take trips and I wanted to buy more "things", but I just never had enough money. So God and I had a lot of talks. He was always telling me to "trust Him", don't look at what everybody else is doing or how they are spending money.
I had cried out and asked the Lord "to please give me wisdom". With that, He was always showing me to have wisdom, I had to trust Him.
Verses 14 through 15, says that wisdom is so much better than silver, gold or rubies. Nothing that I desire can compare with these jewels.
So what do I gain when I have wisdom. A person who has wisdom is loving; is faithful; trusts in the Lord; puts God first; turns away from evil; knows right from wrong; listens and learns and does what is right. The benefits of wisdom is a long, prosperous life; favor with God and people; reputation for good judgement; success; health; vitality and riches, honor, pleasure, peace and protection.
The last part of Chapter 3 talks about our own integrity and how we treat others. I need to be as eager to do good as I want good to be done to me.
I do love jewelry and all the beautiful stones, such as diamonds, pearls, sapphires, jade and onyx. We have all looked at someone and if they are wearing a lot of expensive jewelry, we sometimes think they must have a lot of money and they must have it all(confidence, success, peace and so much more). As I have learned in life, that jewelry is just a cover-up on their own life(there is no peace, no happiness or joy).
If I have wisdom, I have it all(the peace, joy and happiness). My character represents so much more than what jewels would ever represent.
In my late 20s and early 30s, I was single and I was always trying to make ends meet. I was faithful in paying my bills and trying not to be in debt. I wanted to take trips and I wanted to buy more "things", but I just never had enough money. So God and I had a lot of talks. He was always telling me to "trust Him", don't look at what everybody else is doing or how they are spending money.
I had cried out and asked the Lord "to please give me wisdom". With that, He was always showing me to have wisdom, I had to trust Him.
Verses 14 through 15, says that wisdom is so much better than silver, gold or rubies. Nothing that I desire can compare with these jewels.
So what do I gain when I have wisdom. A person who has wisdom is loving; is faithful; trusts in the Lord; puts God first; turns away from evil; knows right from wrong; listens and learns and does what is right. The benefits of wisdom is a long, prosperous life; favor with God and people; reputation for good judgement; success; health; vitality and riches, honor, pleasure, peace and protection.
The last part of Chapter 3 talks about our own integrity and how we treat others. I need to be as eager to do good as I want good to be done to me.
I do love jewelry and all the beautiful stones, such as diamonds, pearls, sapphires, jade and onyx. We have all looked at someone and if they are wearing a lot of expensive jewelry, we sometimes think they must have a lot of money and they must have it all(confidence, success, peace and so much more). As I have learned in life, that jewelry is just a cover-up on their own life(there is no peace, no happiness or joy).
If I have wisdom, I have it all(the peace, joy and happiness). My character represents so much more than what jewels would ever represent.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Proverbs 2 = Which path?
It is always interesting how when you start studying a particular subject or someone discusses a certain topic, that all of the sudden, you are hearing about that topic from everyone. Or when you go buy a car and you make a comment that you have never noticed that car before. You purchase the car and you see that brand of car everywhere.
Since I have been talking about wisdom, the devotions for the day have been about wisdom. It is interesting to read other people's insight of what wisdom is all about. One author that I read today was discussing heavenly wisdom vs. earthly wisdom. He quoted from James 3:14-16 - "But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
He discussed about how people choose earthly wisdom over heavenly wisdom. Earthly wisdom is the poison of envy and the toxin of selfish ambition and is of the devil. Heavenly wisdom is supernatural and is reserved for the child of God.
Proverbs 2 talks about the pathway to wisdom. That wisdom is a gift to us. To gain the heavenly wisdom, we need to be growing and searching for God. To obtain wisdom, we must trust and honor God; we must realize that the Bible reveals God's wisdom to us; we must make a choice of wanting to make right choices and to avoid moral pitfalls and when we do sin or make wrong choices that we learn from them.
As I look back in life, I did want to walk with God, but I was so easily persuaded to take different paths that were not glorifying to God. With the choices I did make, I did suffer consequences. I do sometimes wonder if I had made more godly choices where would my life be. I have to realize that my life is now and I do want to glorify God. God is sovereign. I continue to look forward and to be an encouragement of others to make wise choices.
In the Bible, there are so many wise leaders. Joseph was a wise leader. He prepared for a major famine and he helped rule Egypt. What price did he pay to become the wise leader that he was?
David was another wise leader and he had a heart for God. David was a sinner and he made some wrong choices and he suffered, but he never let his failures keep him from seeking God's wisdom.
Abigail was a wise wife. She managed her household well in spite of her ornery and mean husband.
There are so many more wise leaders and messengers throughout the Bible.
The question is: which path will you choose? The earthly path or the heavenly path?
Since I have been talking about wisdom, the devotions for the day have been about wisdom. It is interesting to read other people's insight of what wisdom is all about. One author that I read today was discussing heavenly wisdom vs. earthly wisdom. He quoted from James 3:14-16 - "But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
He discussed about how people choose earthly wisdom over heavenly wisdom. Earthly wisdom is the poison of envy and the toxin of selfish ambition and is of the devil. Heavenly wisdom is supernatural and is reserved for the child of God.
Proverbs 2 talks about the pathway to wisdom. That wisdom is a gift to us. To gain the heavenly wisdom, we need to be growing and searching for God. To obtain wisdom, we must trust and honor God; we must realize that the Bible reveals God's wisdom to us; we must make a choice of wanting to make right choices and to avoid moral pitfalls and when we do sin or make wrong choices that we learn from them.
As I look back in life, I did want to walk with God, but I was so easily persuaded to take different paths that were not glorifying to God. With the choices I did make, I did suffer consequences. I do sometimes wonder if I had made more godly choices where would my life be. I have to realize that my life is now and I do want to glorify God. God is sovereign. I continue to look forward and to be an encouragement of others to make wise choices.
In the Bible, there are so many wise leaders. Joseph was a wise leader. He prepared for a major famine and he helped rule Egypt. What price did he pay to become the wise leader that he was?
David was another wise leader and he had a heart for God. David was a sinner and he made some wrong choices and he suffered, but he never let his failures keep him from seeking God's wisdom.
Abigail was a wise wife. She managed her household well in spite of her ornery and mean husband.
There are so many more wise leaders and messengers throughout the Bible.
The question is: which path will you choose? The earthly path or the heavenly path?
Monday, July 22, 2019
Proverbs 1 = Everyday Life
This morning as I read Proverbs 1, I realized once again how important it is to be in God's word. He has so much to say. I know that there are days that I read so fast that I don't comprehend anything. Other days I take my time. I read a verse or two and then I digest it and I walk away feeling that the presence of God was with me.
As I was reading Chapter 1, I read the cross referenced words to the meaning of this chapter. Solomon wrote this chapter as well as other chapters for young people to understand how to manage their lives. In truth, we can all use some godly advice.
We need to realize that we don't know it all. Even though at times, I think that I do. Only God knows it all. Are we going to walk with integrity or are we going to be a fool?
As we trust in God, He will give you the wisdom that you need. Always remember your actions speak louder that your words. Verse 8 states "Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching." We have all heard that some parents tell their children "do as I say, not as I do." The truth is children and people do watch the behavior of their parents, family and friends. Action speaks so much louder than words. What example are you portraying to others? I could tell someone how much I care about them, but then my behavior to them is abusive physically and/or verbally.
Verses 10 through 19 talk about sin(an offense against religious or moral law). Sin does separate us from our relationship with God. We are all sinners and we have all sinned and we will continue to sin. As we walk with God, He will give us the wisdom that we need as we are confronted with sin and issues. Always know that there are always consequences(good or bad) to our actions.
Money plays such a big part of our lives. Some people are so possessed with having money that they will do something illegal(such as stealing, embezzling or selling illegal items) so that they can obtain money. These ways can totally destroy you. God wants you to ask for wisdom in how to obtain money. He will open doors for a job that will help you financially and/or He can assist you in getting into a school to learn a certain trade. There are no limits with God. We need to allow Him to work in His timing. His timing is always the hard part for us because we always want things "now".
Verses 20 through 33 talk about rejecting wisdom. God wants you to be wise. Don't reject something that He wants to give you. If you reject wisdom, you become a fool. A fool is usually smart with knowledge, but they are rebellious, lazy, filled with anger and can not tell right from wrong.
As I can see, being filled with wisdom will give you the joy, happiness and peace that you are seeking.
Chapter 1 is letting you know that what you choose for your life(being filled with wisdom or being filled with foolishness) will be the first step in comprehending the book of Proverbs.
The choice is yours!
As I was reading Chapter 1, I read the cross referenced words to the meaning of this chapter. Solomon wrote this chapter as well as other chapters for young people to understand how to manage their lives. In truth, we can all use some godly advice.
We need to realize that we don't know it all. Even though at times, I think that I do. Only God knows it all. Are we going to walk with integrity or are we going to be a fool?
As we trust in God, He will give you the wisdom that you need. Always remember your actions speak louder that your words. Verse 8 states "Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching." We have all heard that some parents tell their children "do as I say, not as I do." The truth is children and people do watch the behavior of their parents, family and friends. Action speaks so much louder than words. What example are you portraying to others? I could tell someone how much I care about them, but then my behavior to them is abusive physically and/or verbally.
Verses 10 through 19 talk about sin(an offense against religious or moral law). Sin does separate us from our relationship with God. We are all sinners and we have all sinned and we will continue to sin. As we walk with God, He will give us the wisdom that we need as we are confronted with sin and issues. Always know that there are always consequences(good or bad) to our actions.
Money plays such a big part of our lives. Some people are so possessed with having money that they will do something illegal(such as stealing, embezzling or selling illegal items) so that they can obtain money. These ways can totally destroy you. God wants you to ask for wisdom in how to obtain money. He will open doors for a job that will help you financially and/or He can assist you in getting into a school to learn a certain trade. There are no limits with God. We need to allow Him to work in His timing. His timing is always the hard part for us because we always want things "now".
Verses 20 through 33 talk about rejecting wisdom. God wants you to be wise. Don't reject something that He wants to give you. If you reject wisdom, you become a fool. A fool is usually smart with knowledge, but they are rebellious, lazy, filled with anger and can not tell right from wrong.
As I can see, being filled with wisdom will give you the joy, happiness and peace that you are seeking.
Chapter 1 is letting you know that what you choose for your life(being filled with wisdom or being filled with foolishness) will be the first step in comprehending the book of Proverbs.
The choice is yours!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Becoming Wise
The past few weeks have been filled with traveling, house guest and just being busy. I do enjoy sitting down and typing about my travels, typing words of encouragement or just typing about anything. I always hope that my story(ies) can help someone walk through life and see that "life happens" and we are the ones that sometimes mess it up.
As I say "life happens", I also know that we all want to have peace and joy while life is happening.
Life is an adventure and there is so much to see and to share. In enjoying life, one needs to be wise. There are so many people that have lots of knowledge, but they are not wise.The past few weeks I have listened to so many people's personal stories. There are a lot of people going through physical pain as well as emotional pain. How can one go through these pains, especially if they are a Christian? We read that if we trust in Jesus then all our pains will go away. Our pains are sometimes in our lives to assist us in becoming wise and to trust that God knows what He is doing.
Many years ago as I went through a lot of physical and emotional pain, I read the story about Solomon and how God appeared to him and said "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." Solomon said that "he wanted wisdom and knowledge,so that I may lead the people." I knew that to be able to handle situations in my life, I needed wisdom and knowledge.
I have read many books--self-help books, inspirational books, books about becoming a leader, etc. But the one book that I keep coming back to is the Bible. Each chapter of the Bible has something to say. One of my favorite books is Proverbs.
Proverbs was written by Solomon. Remember, he had asked God to give him knowledge and wisdom. Proverbs is a collection of wise statements. It is filled with a wide range of topics; wisdom, knowing God, marriage, family life, business matters, wealth, seeking the truth and so much more. As you read Proverbs, you do feel so much closer to God. Whether you are a Christian or not, Proverbs can fill you with wisdom and knowledge that you need on a daily basis of life.
I would like to take a chapter each day and talk about what that chapter means to me.
If you are seeking direction and you don't know where to turn, I suggest that you take one chapter each day and read it and allow the chapter to guide you. There are 31 chapters. You could read a chapter each day and finish the book of Proverbs by the end of the month. Try it for a month or try it for a year. If you did it for a year, that means you would read Proverbs twelve times for that year. I know that you will look at life differently. That you will begin to have the joy, peace and happiness that you are seeking in your life.
If nothing else seems to work in your life, then what do you have to lose? Read a chapter each day, be still and allow yourself to hear God as He whispers.
As I type, God knows each person that will take this challenge. He wants to make a difference in your life.
Life is to be enjoyed!
As I say "life happens", I also know that we all want to have peace and joy while life is happening.
Life is an adventure and there is so much to see and to share. In enjoying life, one needs to be wise. There are so many people that have lots of knowledge, but they are not wise.The past few weeks I have listened to so many people's personal stories. There are a lot of people going through physical pain as well as emotional pain. How can one go through these pains, especially if they are a Christian? We read that if we trust in Jesus then all our pains will go away. Our pains are sometimes in our lives to assist us in becoming wise and to trust that God knows what He is doing.
Many years ago as I went through a lot of physical and emotional pain, I read the story about Solomon and how God appeared to him and said "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." Solomon said that "he wanted wisdom and knowledge,so that I may lead the people." I knew that to be able to handle situations in my life, I needed wisdom and knowledge.
I have read many books--self-help books, inspirational books, books about becoming a leader, etc. But the one book that I keep coming back to is the Bible. Each chapter of the Bible has something to say. One of my favorite books is Proverbs.
Proverbs was written by Solomon. Remember, he had asked God to give him knowledge and wisdom. Proverbs is a collection of wise statements. It is filled with a wide range of topics; wisdom, knowing God, marriage, family life, business matters, wealth, seeking the truth and so much more. As you read Proverbs, you do feel so much closer to God. Whether you are a Christian or not, Proverbs can fill you with wisdom and knowledge that you need on a daily basis of life.
I would like to take a chapter each day and talk about what that chapter means to me.
If you are seeking direction and you don't know where to turn, I suggest that you take one chapter each day and read it and allow the chapter to guide you. There are 31 chapters. You could read a chapter each day and finish the book of Proverbs by the end of the month. Try it for a month or try it for a year. If you did it for a year, that means you would read Proverbs twelve times for that year. I know that you will look at life differently. That you will begin to have the joy, peace and happiness that you are seeking in your life.
If nothing else seems to work in your life, then what do you have to lose? Read a chapter each day, be still and allow yourself to hear God as He whispers.
As I type, God knows each person that will take this challenge. He wants to make a difference in your life.
Life is to be enjoyed!
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