Sunday, March 10, 2019

A True Friend

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."  Proverbs 18:24

No man is an island.  We all need a friend(s).  We need someone that will be there for us during the good times as well as the bad times.  Who is that one person that you could call at 2 in the morning?  That person who would listen to you?

Everyone is looking for a true friend.  Someone who is not superficial.  Who is that person that will stick close to you and offer you help when you need it?

Carole King sings a song "You've Got a Friend".  This song is about being there for others and being a friend for someone in need.  Friends can be just as important as family.  

As I purged through the many boxes of cards from friends in the past 40 years, my heart just smiles as I think about all the wonderful friends that I have.  All these friends have made a difference in my life and the choices that I have made.  They have been there for me through happiness(getting married), through deaths(my father, my brother and close friends), through times of celebration(graduating from college, moving to NYC to work) and so much more.

One can not put a price on friendship.  That is something that just happens.  It is a trust and support that it is hard to explain to others.  

It is hard to find a friend.  Someone that you can open up to and be you and tell them whatever and they will still love you no matter what.  It is so hard to allow yourself to be you.  There are so many people out there that want to be evil and they want to destroy you.

So how do you find a friend?  To find a friend, you need to pray.  God will reveal that friend to you and then you need to be a true friend yourself.

God provided that true friend to me back in March of 1980.  I specifically remembering writing down my prayer requests and one of them was that I wanted a friend.  I had been living in Austin, Texas for about 6 months and I was lonely and not feeling a part of anything or anyone.  

I attended a church one Sunday and met a young lady who was going through a divorce and had a sweet spirit.  There was something about her and her red hair that spoke to me.  I prayed specifically for that person.  Within a week, God had brought us together as prayer partners.  By praying together for each other and for our specific needs, God began to work on our own hearts and our relationship. Forty years later, we are still friends.  We have lived in different states and have each gone through different circumstances, but God keeps us in touch with each other.  We always know when we each need an encouraging word.  God is good!

My other friendships are just as dramatic.  The spiritual thread is what has woven my relationship with so many girlfriends.   

God will provide you that friend.  He knows the person that will encourage you and allow you to be the person that you need to become.  


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I have no doubt that friends are important but I do not have friends only family

steppingoutshiningthrough said...

You are fortunate to have family members near you. I have always lived far from my family. It was always nice to have friends that were as close as family.