Friday, March 1, 2019


As I continue to reflect on the verses that have been there for me, my heart rejoices that these verses are what helped me get through those difficult days, months and years.

Habakkuk 2:3 states "Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it to come true.  But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true.  It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it; it will certainly take place and it will not be delayed".

This verse came to me as I was trying to get my life back on track.  I was in my twenties and single and living in Austin.  I had made some poor choices in life and was running with a crowd that had different beliefs.  These friends were smart, fun and good, but just not on the path of glorifying God. 
Here I was struggling trying to make ends meet and wanting to put God first and these friends were financially doing well and not concerned about their walk with God.

As a prophet, Habakkuk was also concerned about the world and the people who were controlling the kingdom.  He saw a dying world and wondered why the evil were financially making it while the others who trusted God couldn't get it together.  I felt this way as well.  Why walk with God?  Why did it matter?  At times, I felt that it didn't matter whether I trusted God or not.

Deep down in my heart, I knew that those words were not true and that God had so much more planned for me.  I just needed to trust Him and to "wait".  But when bills are due, how can you wait?

Habakkuk said "write it down".  This is when I began to journal my thoughts, concerns, prayer requests and so much more.  God wanted me to write so that I could remember my concerns and when He answered those concerns.  Even writing my requests, it did seem slow for God's reply.  But as I sit here and type, I realize that God did answer and the answer was not delayed, but it was in His timing.  There were things that I had to learn during the waiting time.

Just like Habakkuk, I did come before the Lord with my requests and I did begin to understand how God works.  At the end of the chapter, Habakkuk did rejoice in God and what he had done for the people.

Don't be afraid to come before God and ask questions.  Realize that our problems are not with God and his ways, but the problem is with us as we limit what God can do for us.

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