Thursday, March 7, 2019

Be Strong, Be Confident!

As I dig through the boxes of memories, another verse that I have read several times is "Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident!  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

This verse was written by Joshua.  Joshua was a brilliant military leader and a strong spiritual influence.  He lived under the the Egyptian slavery and as a leader was able to take the Israelites into the promised land. 

Growing up, I lacked confidence.  I guess most people lack confidence because we are always worried about what others will say about us. Why do we worry about what others will say?  That is another topic to discuss at another time.

Confident means trusting yourself, knowing that you can do something, being sure of yourself.  Strong means "having or marked by great physical power".  When I think of strong and confidence, I think of a lion.  Lions are also symbols of royalty.  A lion's roar is the loudest of all the cats.  The way the lion carries himself, one knows that he is in charge. 

Through the verse of Joshua, God was showing this young girl(myself) that He was with me.  He knew that the task before me would not be easy.  The task of finding a job, meeting new friends, finding a place to live....  I was so fearful of the unknown.  But if I didn't go forth, I would stay in my "poor me attitude" and continue to be surrounded by people who had no goals or energy to enjoy life that God had given them.

I needed to step out like the lion and to show the world that I could do it.  That I could make something of myself.

Just like Joshua, I needed to follow God's words and not worry about the "world standards".   That I would be successful in God's eyes... and the truth is that is all that matters.

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