Monday, March 18, 2019

Life Is Short

As I reflect on my life, I realize that life is short.  Psalms 90:12 says "Teach us how short our life is, so that we may become wise."

Psalms 39:5-7 states "How short you have made my life!  In your sight my lifetime seems nothing.  Indeed every living man is no more than a puff of wind, no more than a shadow; All he does is for nothing; he gathers wealth, but doesn't know who will ever get it.  What, then, can I hope for, Lord?  I put my hope in you."

James 4:14 - "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes".  What are we living for?  Live for God today!  Are you enjoying your loved ones?  Are you doing what you need to do?

We so often get caught in the web of our jobs and running here and there, that we forget to live life.  I remember how I use to work 24/7 and there was hardly any time to breathe.  I felt that I always needed to be working on something so that I could grow my business and to be able to improve each account.  It is so hard to learn how to balance working and taking time to "smell the roses".

When we are young, we feel that we will live for ever.  It is only as our life is creeping up on us that we finally can see the big picture and understand that there is more to life than meeting our goals for work or trying to make as much money as we can.

I am thankful to be where I am at in life.  I can take the time to be with God, read my bible, pray for others and to be able to assist family and friends with various situations.

Am I doing what God wants me to do?  I wake up each day knowing today could be my last and that I want it to be a day that I could make a difference in someone else's life.  Making a difference could mean calling someone, texting a friend with words of encouragement, writing a letter to someone or visiting someone to put a smile on their face.

If today was your last day, how could God use you in making a difference?


CWMartin said...

I had to walk away from this post for a while, and come back. "Am I doing what God wants me to do?" I hope so. He knows, and let's me know when it isn't enough, but not the "you can do more". Do I tell myself that?

steppingoutshiningthrough said...

Sometimes we feel that we aren’t doing enough so we do more. When we do more our lives get so busy that we don’t have time to rest or be available. We just need to do what we need to and then let God do the rest.